
Report request: Deposits that tell me what clients paid

I need a report that takes a batch deposit, and tells me which client payments are in the batch, how much each client paid, etc.


Right now, I get a batch, that might cover part of one day and part of another (meaning the "transactions" page doesn't help.)


If I use the "activity" I get the batch deposit, but the transactions within the deposit are cryptic and useless. "Part of an invoice $2,000" WTH? Part of what invoice? From whom? 


It gets worse, "invoice no. 1231231" Ok, why can't I click and see who it's from? I have to go back to invoices, search the number, then pull it up? Seriously?''


Or I get "custom amount $250" Okay. WHO PAID IT? Nowhere to click to find out. Go back to transactions HOPE it's on the same day, and guess? 


Enough ranting. Can someone come up with a solution to this?

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