

I am so dissapointed in Square. I have a hair salon with 4 employees. We are on target to open 5 more in the next year. For the last week I have noticed the report I see at the end of day has cash payments pending and gives me a false report as to how much cash to drop. I called Square and they say they know of the problem and will have a fix within the MONTH. How am I supposed to have several shops and have these kind of data reporting problems? I can't be at every store to do the close out every night. My employees need to be able to do the drop and bank with accurate information. The whole point of taking a POS softwear is to be able to compile data and be of help to my business. Paper and pen would be safer and more accurate. 

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Square Champion

You're right that this is an issue. One the dev teams are working on fixing. Here's another thread talking about it. Usually the cash transactions that are pending clear out within a few days. Yes, this makes cash reconciliation a pain unfortunately.


I can tell you though that I have used the Square software for coming up on 7 years now, and this is the first time I've seen a bug like this. 99.99% of the time Square is rock solid when it comes to payments.


As for the month lead time, that's probably more of an Apple thing. It takes time for the app to get through their review process before it's released to the general public. I think the month timetable is more pessimistic; my bet is that we will see a fix within a few weeks.

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
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