
Request for more invoice flexibility!

Every year our artist group hosts an event that we charge for. I invoice participants for a deposit, balance due, or payment in full; I try to create the balance due invoice, saved in draft form, at the time I create the deposit invoice. Doing it this way makes the participant's name appear immediately above the deposit invoice.


  • If I were able to sort invoices, within the Dashboard, by name or sent/paid then I wouldn't have to create draft invoices to keep a participant's name together in the Dashboard list.


  • It would be awfully convenient to download a csv file of all invoices generated between specified dates, whether sent, paid, (or for how I'm using it) in draft form.
Message 1 of 3

As a follow up to my own message, I see now that the Dashboard invoices are not sorted by invoice # but by date sent, so my plan to create a draft to keep it next to a sent invoice won't work. I'd really, really like the ability to sort invoices by customer name! Other than that, downloading complete invoicing activities would be very valuable to me.

Message 2 of 3

Hey @oLo - Thanks for the feedback! When looking at your Invoices page of your Square Dashboard, there is a "Search invoices" box next to the filter dropdown menus. If you search a customer's name, you can pull up all the invoices for that specific customer.


I'm not sure about exporting reports based just on Invoices alone so I will look into it further and get back to you.

Puka - She/They
Seller Community UX Designer
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