
Square Capital 3rd Loan

I am at 77 percent on my third loan and making way more income this year than last! My new vs returning customers is great! Business is booming! I have a new book getting ready to be published and found a better storefront interested in my store. I have everything I feel they want for a healthy business but, still nothing. I was wondering do they only do offers in the morning? Or can they send you a offer any time of day? I’m just wondering if I should check through the day or only in the morning. Also if I pay my remaining balance would it help? I’m really hoping I get another loan ASAP. Capital has been awesome to me and my business and I’m truly impressed. 

For Anyone waiting, fingers crossed ! 

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

paying your remaining balance off will hurt, because they will see an influx of money to pay it off and wonder why or how it was, paying early saves you no money as the fees have already been assessed.  as for when you will see another loan, 

Every Square Capital offer is individual, there is no set percentage of a loan payback where you will or won't get another offer or even if you will get another offer while having a loan.  There are 100s of variables that are used to figure out Square Capital offers.  

Message 2 of 3

That's a good question regarding the time of day they are offered. I wonder too.

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