
Why use Square if I don't do sales on my website?

I do not do sales on my website. I am a massage therapist and my website is more of a "business card" website. They contact me to make an appointment either through email. After the initial contact, we connect through text. Square info seems all sales based. Is my Weebly website going to hold up to all the Square changes? I can't seem to get simple help to questions because all keeps pushing me towards sales questions and answers

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Square Champion

Hi @MLMAC.  


First, as far as I can tell, Square doesn’t have any plans to get rid of Weebly.  In fact, they just created a new discussion board here specifically for the Weebly folks, and I consider that a pretty strong sign of their intentions. I’ve hard rumors (and they ARE only rumors) that Square has plans to enhance Weebly’s drag-and-drop website building apps, also.  So if you have a Weebly website that works for you, I wouldn’t worry about it.  My ice cream shop is on Square Online, but I also have a small apartment building that I manage, and use a Weebly site for that because I can create tenant sign-in credentials and individual portals — something I can’t do in Square.  I’m perfectly content leaving that as it is.


Having said that, Square Online is more than capable of creating a “business card” style website for you.  You can just ignore all the eCommerce bells and whistles!


Let me know if I can help you with anything else.


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Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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