
Barcode printer label sizing...

There is no way that I can find to change the size of label for printing barcodes.

I have a dymo 450 label printer (as recomended by yourselves). However there only seems to be 1 label option (Dymo 1933085 LW Durable 19mm x 64mm). How do I use a different size??


Message 1 of 30
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Alternatively if you don't have bar codes (some of my stock didn't) I just found 'stuff' that i do not sell and adopted the bar codes from them!

Message 22 of 30
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Square Champion

The issue @Artcetera is running into though is they don’t know what format the barcodes are in, thus can’t go ahead and create them. Plus I imagine the label sizes currently are too big, which is the case for us with jewellery and stuff in our gift shop.

Message 23 of 30
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This is exactly the point @artizansty. I've done a full stock check, devised a system for assigning a unique SKU to each item, and would like the barcode to reflect the SKU that I've assigned. If I knew the format for encoding the barcode, e.g. EAN, UPC, CODE-128 etc, I'd be able to put something together in vba that would allow me to print sheets of barcodes to apply to my stock and be certain that they'd work withe the square platform.


While @Electricalshop has found a nifty workaround that works for them, I don't want to be pinching a barcode off a tin of beans for every item that comes in!


@tranguyen can you help?

Message 24 of 30
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Ahh but there's 57 varieties!!  😂

Message 25 of 30
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Beta Member

I am in the same boat. I purchased the dymo printer from Square, the labels are too big for our products. I switched to the Avery option, the labels are tiny and also not available in the UK. I’ve managed to get some from Amazon but really expensive, coming from US.

I’ve purchased the monthly square retail subscription, the barcode hand scanner & barcode printer… it’s very frustrating that it isn’t working out. Is there anything else that works with it that i can try?

Message 26 of 30
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Square Champion

Unfortunately we’re stuck with the ruddy label size options if you want to use square (it’s a shame companies that seem so great in so many ways always end up being US-centric. I’m currently using auto purchase orders and even though everything is set up for £, it auto created them in USD!)


The only suggestion I have is to use Avery Design & Print, which will let you create barcodes for label sizes that are more affordable to get in the UK (I’ve also got the same Avery labels from Amazon it sounds like, and they’re very exy!)


Hopefully one day Square builds compatibility with a wider set of label sizes, but I wouldn’t count on it being in the next few years given the way some of the threads on here read with zero progress being made for long periods of time 😔

Message 27 of 30
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I'm curious  (seeing as Square have apparently given up trying to support this) do you now have a working system for creating barcodes that your Square terminal will recognise? If so, what format do you use to translate a SKU to a barcode?


Thanks in advance,



Message 28 of 30
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Square Champion

It all comes down to what scanner you’re using. If you have the LS2208, it’ll read most standard barcode formats. So - if you sell products that have their own barcodes, simply type that barcode number into the SKU field in Square, and it’ll recognise it when you scan it. If you want to create your own barcodes, use software that creates barcodes in one of the formats your scanner can read. Typically, it’ll be UPC or EAN. I sell jewellery that doesn’t have their own barcodes, so I make up whatever I like, and I mix alpha and numeric. So eg barcodes are ART37192. I just use the Square “create labels” functionality and the Avery labels from the US


Hope that helps?

Message 29 of 30
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I gave up trying to use Square to do it!


I use the printer but its connected to my lap top now . cut and paste!


No worries



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