
I cannot delete a checkout link

I created a new checkout link, and realised that I'd made an error. I can edit the link, but it won't let me change what I need to change.


So, I tried deleting it, but I can't delete it.


I can deactivate the link.


However, if I press the big red Delete text and then the "Delete Link" button in the small window, nothing happens. The button changes colour when I hover my mouse over it, but clicking it does absolutely nothing. This happens whether the link is deactivated or not.


I can click the X or the Cancel button; they work.


I'm using Chrome. I've tried clearing all cookies and the cache, disabling all extensions, and logging in afresh, but none of that has helped.


How do I delete a checkout link, please?

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Square Champion

If it’s a checkout link for an item then it just ‘is’ - so if you really want to delete just delete the item. 

In any case, can you explain why it’s a problem to not delete & only deactivate - as then can try & figure out a way round...

Message 2 of 7
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I'm also have this same problem.  I'm using a current version of chrome.  The delete confirmation button is not working.


Here is the error in the javascript console:


index.js:5254 DELETE https://squareup.com/v2/catalog/frontend/object/<oid omitted> 400


The DELETE method is returning a http 400 response.  Deactivate does work, but I would rather not have the link at all.  It was created as a test, and may lead to confusion in the future.


I removed the specifics on the link for obscurity.



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@Sam_400º wrote:

If it’s a checkout link for an item then it just ‘is’ - so if you really want to delete just delete the item.

I don't think that you read my OP. I can't delete it.


@Sam_400º wrote:

In any case, can you explain why it’s a problem to not delete & only deactivate

As @diskwait said, it leads to confusion. Imagine having "Acme", which is incorrect, then "Acme 1", which is correct for a couple of months and then is deprecated, so "Acme 2", and so on. Clutter and duplicate names cause errors.

Message 4 of 7
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Hi @paddylandau and @diskwait, really sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue! Since you've exhausted all the troubleshooting steps, this looks like it can be a bug, so I've gone ahead and filed a ticket with our engineering team. When I have an update, I'll be sure to follow-up on this thread.

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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@tranguyen wrote:

… I've gone ahead and filed a ticket with our engineering team. When I have an update, I'll be sure to follow-up on this thread.

Thank you! Is there any way that we can follow the bug?

Message 6 of 7
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Hi @paddylandau, unfortunately we don't have a public-facing tracker to share. However, I'll update this thread as soon as I have an update. 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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