
Appointment length rollover

I'm scheduling work time for mechanics that are available from 8-5 daily.  Some work requires an appointment length that extends beyond their available time.  It will schedule the time, but it just shows them working until midnight or later.


I need it to take the extra time, beyond what is available during the available hours, and put it on the next day's schedule.  How can I do that?

Message 1 of 4
1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there. 


This is a pretty interesting feature request.


At this time, services can only be created with a fixed duration.


When you manually book an employee for a service that goes beyond their set available hours listed on the Square Appointments booking calendar, there isn't a way to rollover the additional time to the following day. 


The best option that comes to mind would be scheduling the additional time of service for that employee the following morning during their available hours. 

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Message 2 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there. 


This is a pretty interesting feature request.


At this time, services can only be created with a fixed duration.


When you manually book an employee for a service that goes beyond their set available hours listed on the Square Appointments booking calendar, there isn't a way to rollover the additional time to the following day. 


The best option that comes to mind would be scheduling the additional time of service for that employee the following morning during their available hours. 

Message 2 of 4

That's a bit manual.  This one is kind of a deal breaker for us.


I think for any service business that provides work in more than one increment of day, this is going to be a bit of a problem.  It gets even more tricky if you need to rearrange the overflow.  For example, a six-hour service that starts at 2pm would have to end at 5 because the mechanic goes home.  it could pick up again at 8 when he comes back to work, but I might need to slide that "chunk" of the work time forward an hour or two while we stick an emergency case in there.


That scenario is very common in the repair industry; cars, HVAC, construction, etc.  I found another company that allows us to change the end time of the appointment "on the fly" rather than limiting us to a fixed length.  That made all the difference in the world.


But they aren't the Square brand so I'm not happy about having to use them.


I've looked extensively for this solution and come up empty.  if you could get that implemented, you would certainly differentiate yourself from the rest of what's out there.


Thanks for getting back with me!

Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator

No problem and thanks for the feedback!


Customer advocacy is one of our biggest drivers of product updates, so I'll be sure to send this request over to our Product Team. 


Hopefully we can get something implemented that works for you in the future. 

Message 4 of 4