
Can I link my own product-descriptions to Square to handle payment?

For several years, I've been using PayPal for my online order processing. For each product we sell (DVDs of performances), we have a very simple "product description" that we link to a PayPal BUY button, using a snippet of html code that PayPal creates when we create a button in our PayPal account.  Is there anything in Square that works like that?


I've looked at the Storefront theme, but it's kind of overkill for our purposes. What I'm hoping to be able to do is create my own simple product descriptions on my own web pages, and link them to Square for handling the orders. Is that possible?

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Super Seller

It is possible but not with off the shelf components.  It would have to be done thru the Square API which requires a good amount of programming to implement.  By far the easiest would be to use the free Square Site.

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