
Can I use my Microsoft Surface Book to take credit cards using the reader.

I have a new Microsoft Surface Book that has the provision to plug in devices in the touch screen. Can I take credit cards with this surface book? Not a fan of Apple products. My wifes Ipad was easy to set up but am at a loss as to how to make it work with my Surface book. 

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Square Champion

Square doesn't currently work on a Windows operating system. Only on Android and iOS devices... I'm not the biggest Apple fan myself, so as soon as Windows is supported, I'm swapping out these ipads for real computers. 

There is, however, the Virtual Terminal in the Dashboard that you can use to take credit card payments in a pinch. It doesn't seem to have any connection to your inventory though. And you don't actually swipe a card, you key in all the credit card info manually. 

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I have used Square virtually everyday for years.  I am switching to a Microsoft Surface and need this App!  You are losing tons of business not having this as a microsoft app.   I am having to switch to Paypal Here unless or until you have this as a Microsoft App.  Will that ever happen?

Message 3 of 6

Hello @Strride, currently an app for Microsoft products is not on our road map.


Although I will make sure to pass this request along to our Product Team. I don't have a magic ball that predicts the future, so who knows this could happen with enough demand. 🙂

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While we haven't use Square that much we will be using some form of credit card reader dailly as our buisnesses start ramping up. We will be replacing my wifes Ipad with a Surface very soon and have already started researching other credit card reader companies. The first one that offers a way for us to use our Surface's to take cards gets our buisness. Personally I think Square is missing out by not working with Microsoft to develope a program. Once I find a company that wants my buisness I will share it here. 


Are you listening Square????

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I agree that a Microsoft app would be convenient. In my business, using the front desk PC as a register would simplify things greatly. We can use the Virtual Terminal function through a browser if need be, but the fees would be higher and it's a bit cluncky to use compared to an app.


Unfortunately, although I'm sure quite a few businesses like ours could use this, I'm not sure how large a percentage of the market such businesses represent to Square. Most businesses, I feel, would probably not want to dedicate an entire Surface device or other PC to be a register.


I hope they do make a Microsoft App for Square, but honestly I'd prefer they focus on other things first. Like an Android version of their Appointments app, more functionality for Appointments, and expanding their Payroll and similar options to more states.

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