
Can't connect chip reader wirelessly, don't have enough ports.

I just got my new chip reader (which said it was compatible with my hardware).  The software tells me I can't connect it wirelessly when I try it.  I can connect it fine via USB, but I only have 3 ports (not 4) because I have a scanner, printer, and drawer already plugged in (and need them).


What am I supposed to do?  Square says that if I swipe a chip card I'm liable for charge backs if it's fradulent, but they aren't providing me hardware to fix it.  This is the first time I've actually been disappointed in Square and their hardware.  I expected better.


Are they even working on a solution?  Based on other threads I've read there hasn't been an answer that I could find.

Message 1 of 9
Square Champion

Try these troubleshooting tips:  https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/5673  Most importantly, be sure your device has the latest operating system update and the latest Square app update.

Message 2 of 9

I have Square Version 4.42 and IOS 9.3.2.


I uninstalled Square and re-installed it as well.


When I click the "Contactless + Chip" link to connect the reader, I get a pop-up stating:


"This iPad does not support connecting Square contactless + chip readers wirelessly.  Please plug your reader in via USB with a Square Stand."


Which is what makes me upset. I paid the money, they told me it was compatible (which it is via usb, if I want to stop using one of my other periperals like the scanner, printer, drawer).  Of course, that isn't an option.


Additionally, I'm being told I'm liable for any chip cards I process by swiping them.


This is simply unacceptable to me.  They need to give a USB hub option or not hold us liable because their hardware doesn't support it.  Putting 100% of the liability on the cosumer of their products is not the type of attitude I would expect from a company like Square.

Message 3 of 9

Also, every link from that support page you shared is broken.


It's clear based on what I read is that if you have an iPad 2.0, you can't connect wirelessly, only USB.  Which doesn't work for those of us that already have a full square stand register with the scanner, drawer, and printer (and need them).


The only option is for them to support a USB hub.  Or stop telling people that the hardware they have is supported.

Message 4 of 9

Sorry to hear about the trouble, @creswood, I can understand your frustration here. That's correct that if you have an iPad 2 you won't be able to pair the reader wirelessly, as that version of the iPad doesn't support the Bluetooth signal our Reader uses (BLE). And like you said, we don't support a USB hub extension of any kind, so it leaves us without a workaround for this situation.


We do our best to support our older hardware with our newest, but in some case are limited by past technology (the iPad's lack of Bluetooth.) In this case, allowing it to pair through USB offered one solution, as opposed to not supporting the older Stand at all. 


It's definitely not ideal and I wish there was more I could offer, workaround-wise. We certainly hear you on the experience; I'll share yours with our product team as well. 

Message 5 of 9

I'm open to upgrading my stand if that's what it takes.  Do you have an upgrade price or any way to help early adopters.  We are the people that put our trust and belief in you early on, so I'm hoping that we will be rewarded for being great customers with an upgrade price/option for the ipad/stand.



Message 6 of 9

I appreciate your business with us! We don't have any offers along those lines, though I think that would great if we did. I'll share the feedback with our hardware team but let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. 

Message 7 of 9


Message 8 of 9

I am having the same problem with the chip reader not connecting via bluetooth becasue I have an iPad2. You sold it to me 6 months prior to telling me I need to get the chip reader.  Your response is lame given the fact that I bought what you told me to buy, and I bought it all directly from you hoping to avoid an issue like this.  You need to find a better solution than "I am sorry for your problems".  My problem is you and your lack of integrity to stand behind the products that I bought from you - to ensure that they work together.  It is your system that I paid you good money for so what are you going to do about it?  One solution would be to send me a compatible iPad so I can connect via bluetooth.  Give me credit for the one I bought and let me pay the difference.  Sounds good to me.

Message 9 of 9