Beta Member

Conversational Modifiers, missing Easy or Lite

I downloaded and starting setting up Square for Restaurants and like the majority of it but I'm surprised it is missing an "Easy" or "Lite" option for the conversational modifiers. 

A very common request would be Easy Mayo or Easy onion etc.

Can this be added or possibly consider making them editable so restaurants can change them for their use?  

Message 1 of 22
Square Community Moderator

Hey @mtm100,


I reached out to the Restaurants team and they confirmed right now this is a feature request.


I'd recommend creating separate modifier sets for easy/lite under your item settings. 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 22
Beta Member

Thank you for responding and checking on this with the team!

Would you be able to pass along to the development team to consider an option to allow restaurants to edit the conversational modifiers so that restaurants can tailor these to their own unique needs? If being able to edit them is not an option at least a button with an "Easy" option would be very helpful.

Another suggestion is to keep they modifiers that are pressed highlighted after clicking them like the standard POS does.

Is there a beta program for Square for Restaurants?


Message 3 of 22
Square Community Moderator

@kellyj Is there a beta program for Restaurants? 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 4 of 22

Thanks @ashc 😃



There is not a specific Beta program for Square Restaurants but we sometimes test new features in Beta and definitely are happy to engage with the product teams on your behalf.


Since you're already a member of the beta community, feel free to share your feedback or feature requests there as well. We have many of our restaurant owners utilizing POS for their restaurant and using Square Restaurants. We would be happy to help or let you know about any upcoming features we may be testing. 


Since the Beta Community is new, we invite you to start conversations here: about the product you're interested in and allow us to see where we can help.


We've had a lot of great feedback from restaurants owners such as @Donnie-M , @vinesandrushes , @TheRealChipA , and @pieous



Technical Program Manager: AI
Square Inc
Message 5 of 22
Beta Member

Just checking in to see if there have been any updates to this? This is the biggest single missing item on the app for us and I would think many restaurants. It's also why we are not using it currently. Easy or lite is a very common request from customers on certain ingredients, ie "easy" mayo or onion or etc and typing it in as a note defeats the whole purpose of the app.


Thanks for any updates you can provide.

Message 6 of 22
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @mtm100


Thank you for reaching out in the Community! 


I don't have an update on this request for you. Once an update is given one of the Community Moderators will post an update to the thread. 




Community Moderator, Square
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Message 7 of 22

No updates yet? On the custom conversational modifier?

Message 8 of 22

This really should not be a complicated "feature" to implement.  If you just add a "light" or "easy" option to conversational modifiers it is solved.


This is beyond a year in just this thread and no doubt operators have been missing this since day one of S4R.

Michael Airhart
Message 9 of 22
Beta Member

Any updates on what would seem a very easy addition to the list of options. I have to assume light or easy is used by every restaurant. I know we receive it frequently (example: easy mayo, easy oil, easy tomato, light onion etc etc).  Either light or easy would work just fine.

Message 10 of 22
Square Community Moderator

Hi @mtm100, thank you for checking in!



Additional conversational modifiers outside of what we have currently is a feature request at this time. We’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, so I’ll be sure to pass your request off to our Product team.

Once an update is given, one of the Community Moderators will post an update to this thread. 



In the meantime check out our Beta Community which may be of interest to you. 

Appreciate your input!

- Alanah

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 11 of 22
Beta Member

Any update on this request? Please this is needed and looks like it has been asked awhile ago

Message 12 of 22
Beta Member

This is a very common need for restaurant owners. It’s just one little button please. Sure, we could create new modifier lines for “easy…” etc, but that could be a hassle when you have an item with 8 different toppings. Please, add the button. 

Message 13 of 22
Beta Member

I am really surprised to see that this has not been implemented yet after a year and a half. I am new to using "Restaurants" but I noticed immediately that lite or easy was missing. This only confirms that the Square for Restaurants is not that important to the square team. I would be willing to bet if it was requested for online menus, it would have been implemented already. 

Message 14 of 22
Square Community Moderator

Rizzo, I feel bad that this is how you feel about us.


First of all your feedback is very valid and valuable and I will make sure to pass it over to the team for their visibility.


Our team works hard on developing our tools and making sure they have the best features. I am confident that our team is well aware of this need and looking to not just implement it to put a check on a box but make sure this feature works correctly and efficiently instead of delivering something "half baked".


Thank you for taking the time to voice your need and thank you for your patience. 



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 15 of 22

It's been nearly two years on this request.  What a shame.  Is it going to add too much hassle to also request that an "only" button be added?  

Message 16 of 22
Square Community Moderator

Thank you for taking the time to share your interest in this feature @magnoliakitchen I recommend you submit a Feature Request here. This will help our product team get visibility and track other Sellers' interest in your request. 


Important: When submitting a request, make sure to include the desired feature, and provide the details of how this feature will help your business succeed (how would you use it and what you expect from it).

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 17 of 22

Just downloaded and started using this new app. First thing an employee asked is where’s the light button??  How do you nit have this yet?  Especially after talking about on here for almost 2 years. Does anyone at square read this message board and if so how do you still have a job?  Just get this one easy button added. Please. 

Message 18 of 22
Square Community Moderator

Hey @Edgarstix,


Welcome to the Community.


Thanks for reaching out to share your feedback. Feel free to share your suggestions in our Ideate Room here: squ.re/ideate. Our Product team is always looking for feedback like this to improve our services. 


A possible workaround would be to create a Modifier set called 'Conversational Modifiers' and list modifiers like easy, lite, extra, etc and then apply it to the necessary items.


Learn more about creating and applying modifier sets with the Square app.


Let me know if that works!


Message 19 of 22

I'm going jump on this band wagon as well.  The need to modify the "Conversational Modifiers" per each clients request is a necessity not a desire.  Yes I am aware of the "work arounds" but by the time I use a work around to 1. arrange my modifiers in my preferred order as well as 2. factoring in the desired limitations/maximum choices to each modifier with in the previously mentioned order and 3. the need to add a modifier to compensate for the lack of versatility in the Conversational Modifiers the system ceases to be user friendly.  


Square has a lot of amazing features.  We are simply asking the company that focuses so much on restaurants (and does a great job at) take a serious look at what the consumer is needing.  Relying on work arounds is a good temporary solution but it has to be resolved in the long run.  Every time I need to make a change I have remember why I have numbers and letters in random places to order things the way I want or why I have three options for each item (Light onion, reg onion, Heavy onion. Light tomato, Reg Tomato, Heave Tomato, etc.). 


I understand it takes time to get these features in place but keep in mind that we (your consumer) have to adapt to your system vs how "simple" we see that it should be and then our customers have to adapt to our system (when ordering online) which only complicated matters worse.  The whole point of my company using "Restaurants" specifically is to get our menu online and my customers don't need to "read between the lines".  I need the menu and titles to be clear.  It also makes for faster training when it's clear to new employees.  Time is money as well as a user friendly system for my customers.


Oh and not to shake the can of worms any more but I would be great to have the option of different sets of conversation modifiers.  (i.e. Ice preferences for drinks, and any other selections that might be good for each company.)  This customization would be extremely helpful at least to me...


FYI: I love the Conversational Modifiers in general.  We were not using restaurants until recently and I am so happy this feature exists at all as well as a few others delights I have found. 



Message 20 of 22
Beta Member

I agree with you.  Not being able to customize the conversational modifier options causes confusion for employees, sometimes they can use conversational modifier, sometimes they have to manually choose the modifier from the list.  This is a must have feature for Restaurants.  Square for Restaurants is a great beginning Restaurant POS, but it is proving to be difficult to use as the menu becomes more involved and complex, which means it is harder to scale.  Which leads to looking into the competition, and that is labor some and overwhelming for a small business owner.  Kudos to Square for providing a great basic product, but as your restaurant grows Square for Restaurant becomes less efficient and more cumbersome.  I would also add that there is not nearly enough in-depth training tutorials, and best practices with examples.  I do not have a problem teaching myself how to use it, but it would be a lot easier if the information was more in depth and less of an overview of the "perfect path" steps.  

Message 21 of 22