
Dollar amount discount not showing up on Point of Sale

Hello everyone!

I've created two discounts, one 10% off and one $30 off. The % discount button does show up alright when i tap on an item, but the $ one does not. I've sign out and in, i've tried creating them from the website or from the app to no avail.


What makes me think it's a bug is because i have modified the $ off discount, put it as a % and it showed up alright. Has anyone experienced this before?



Message 1 of 27

Hi @ArnaudK


Currently, it is possible to apply a percentage discount to individual items (viewable when adding an item to an order). 

It is also possible to apply a discount to the total order. You can add a dollar value discount or a percentage based discount to the transaction. To add this type of discount, navigate to your item list, tap Discounts, then select the dollar value discount. 

I hope this helps clear up discounts on Point of Sale. Let me know if you have any other questions. 

Message 2 of 27

Hi Russell,


And thanks for the reply. I did exactly what you suggest: went to item list, tapped discount,  selected the dollar amount value and entered it ($30 off in my case) before saving.


When i add an item to an order, the  $30 off discount button does not show.


As for the discount on total order, i'm not sure how to do that, we are a language school so it's extremely rare that we have more than one item per order. I can't find any way of applying a dollar amount discount to an order. After having added the item to an order, if i tap charge (top right corner of the screen), none of the buttons/options appearing show any discount, be it a percentage or a value discount.


How can i do that?


Thanks in advance for your time.

Message 3 of 27
Super Seller Alumni

I see what you are talking about @ArnaudK.  Only fixed percentage discounts are showing up under the item menu discount list.  This must be a bug.  If I disable my fixed percentage discount no discounts show up under the item menu.  However, all discounts are available under the discount menu for discounting the whole transaction.  I don't normaly discount on a per item level because like you we usually only have one item per transaction.

Message 4 of 27

Confirming that this is still a bug. I am unable to utlize dollar discounts. This is kind of a big bug as far as customer facing impact goes...Do we have any timeline or expectation for the fix? Thanks in advance.

Message 5 of 27
Super Seller Alumni

You can use dollar discounts applied to the whole sale, just not applied to individual items.

Message 6 of 27

Got it. Thanks for the heads up. I didn't see this advice in simple enough terms in the other discussions and such. It technically will work for us but interesting that there was a decision to treat these discounts differently. It will require our staff to think a bit more around the conditions of the promtion, so if there is a Jira for this request "to be able to apply dollar discounts on items", there's a +1 from Perks Coffee 🙂

Message 7 of 27

Agree 100% --- we would love to be able to have the $ discounts applied to specific items as opposed to the overall bill 

Message 8 of 27
Beta Member

Hi there, I'd like to chime in with the others here that it would be very useful to be able to apply dollar discounts (like a dollar off drinks at happy hour) to individual items rather than the whole ticket. I saw somewhere that a suggestion is to add item variations, but that creates an additional screen our bartenders need to click through at all times of day, when the discount only applies to a very short time frame. (And it requires adding a variation to every single one of our drinks items, which is a huge pain!) 


It would also solve the problem of not being able to apply the discount to two different items. Right now we can only apply it once ($1) but if someone has three drinks, we cannot apply it three times. We've gotten around that by making the happy hour discount variable rather than a fixed dollar amount, but that also creates more room for human error. Thank you! 

Message 9 of 27

Is Square working on being able to apply dollar OR % discounts to individual items? From what I can understand here it does not currently have this capability and only allows $ discounts to the total amount of the sale. Am I correct in this understanding and if so is there any plan to change it?

Message 10 of 27

Hey @SingleSpeedCafe, thanks for checking in here. You're correct—the ability to apply a dollar discount to a single item isn't available, though our Point of Sale team is tracking this request.


I went to look for any updates but there isn't a specific timeline that I can share out right now. We'll certainly come back to this thread as any developments come through. I apologize for the frustration—please let me know if you have any further questions.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 11 of 27
Beta Member

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Feature Request: More Flexible Discounts


There is an existing thread for the long sought after conditional discounts.


I am asking for something a little less ambitious that hopefully wouldn't take years to develop and test.


Currently, Square seems to have two different ideas for "Available Discounts" After adding an item to the cart, if you look at the varient/quantity/notes page for that item, "Available Discounts" are listed at the bottom. Yet only percent discounts are listed. Why? And why can't I change that? 


I can't think of any good reason to limit the options to just the percent discounts. Especially given the lack of conditional discounts, this is the perfect place to include a flat dollar quanity based discount that can be manually applied without needing to search for it after adding the item.


A more robust and flexible solution would have a toggle on discount to the effect of "make available on items" or something similiar.



Message 12 of 27

Thank you for sharing this request @UglyBaby.


You're right, at this time you can only apply percentage-based discounts at the item level. I checked for an udpate for you, and our Engineering team is currently working on ability to add dollar amount discounts at the item level too! 


I can't share a timeline for when this feature will be available but when we have any news to share we'll let you know in this thread. Thanks for your patience in the meantime. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 13 of 27

So it's been a year since the last reply on this thread and we still can't apply dollar discounts to specific items. Has the development team been working on it at all? My husband is a programmer and I know this feature would not take an entire year to implement. I'm thinking it got pushed to the back burner. 

Message 14 of 27
Square Community Moderator

Hey @Polishedpiggies and welcome to the Community.


At this time- manual dollar discounts still cannot be applied at the item level.


You may want to consider creating an automatic dollar discount or separate price points as a workaround. 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 15 of 27
Beta Member

So in 2018 you said that the engineering team is working on this. Is that still true? I won’t presume this is an easy engineering task, but it seems like it should be reasonably high priority. There’s not good reason you should prevent sellers from applying a dollar-amount discount per item. The iPad POS app I used before switching to Square let you assign any discount as per-item or per-ticket, way back in 2013.


I sell ice cream and may occasionally want to distribute a coupon for, say, $1 off any double or triple scoop. If a family comes to me with 2 of these coupons, I’d have to make a second ticket/transaction (or create multiple discounts in Dashboard—1 coupon, 2 coupons, 3 coupons…) just to honor the second one. It’s really pretty silly that I’d have to do this, and the $x off any item is not a particularly unusual use case!

Message 16 of 27
Beta Member

I too would like to see a $ amount off an item (or service). I have a hair salon and offer $10 off of a service on your second booked appointment. We also offer $20 off of a service for a referral of both the person who refers a customer and the person who is the new client. I just alter the price now even though I made a $ discount for these denominations. They don't show up since it's not a %. How hard can this be? Aren't these "Computers" we are working with?

Message 17 of 27
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Pamalupagus -- Thank you for popping into the community.


On the Square Point of Sale there is a feature that allows you to create discounts for either a percentage or dollar amount off. 



Be sure to toggle the percent button 🙂 





Check out this support article  for step by step instructions on how to set up discounts for dollar amounts.


I hope this helps 🙂 




Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 18 of 27
Beta Member

I don't use point of sale. I use Appointments and check clients out from there. I'll see if it's in the checkout part of appointments.

Message 19 of 27
Beta Member

 Also, that looks like a phone. I use Register

Message 20 of 27
Square Community Moderator

You can create discounts directly from your Square Register @Pamalupagus. Tap on the arrow on the top of your screen > Checkout > Discounts. Any discounts you've already created will be displayed there, and you'll also have the option to create a new discount. To add a discount to a sale, tap on the discount you'd like to add and it will be added to your current sale 👍

Message 21 of 27