
Double prep tickets - Help

Hi All,


I recently set up two kitchen printers.   The idea is to send the orders to the kitchen but it is not working correctly.  Please help.




1.  Double Prep tickets to the kitchen:  

    a.  customers call in an order and we save the order under "open ticket".   Order sent to the kitchen - Working

     b.   when customers come in to pay for the order.  The kitchen printers received another prep ticket. - This is a bug.


2. Maybe a feature request to enable sending tickets to the kitchen as manual or automatically.


Any idea how to fix this bug?



Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

Hello @momo_sjsu !


Okay that's really weird. The way open tickets work is that only new items should be sent to the printers when the ticket is reopened.


My first reaction would be for you to double-check that you have the latest and greatest versions of the point of sale app on all your devices. There have been a few updates recently, and I wouldn't be surprised if there have been updates to the printing parts.


You say you have two printers set up: are you seeing duplicate tickets on both printers? I'm wondering if there may be something going on with the settings per printer that's causing it to duplicate print. If your software is updated, I'd recommend digging into your settings to verify everything is looking correct.


After that, I think I'd recommend calling customer support (use the link in my signature below). They would be able to look at your account a lot closer than we can in a public forum, and if you have discovered a bug they can file the right trouble tickets.


Good luck!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 4

Hi @ryanwanner,

Just checked all the IOS + Square app are up to date.


Yes, both kitchen printers have the same behavior when completing the “open ticket”. Again, no issue when not using the “Open Ticket” features.


No issue for you when using this feature?


Our landscape:
1. Square register
2. 2nd Ipad with Square app
3. Receipt printer (USB + connected to register)
4. Receipt printer (LAN printer connected to the Ipad)


Kitchen *New addition*
1. Prep printer (LAN)
2. Prep printer (LAN)





Message 3 of 4
Square Champion

@momo_sjsuI'm not having any issues with double prints with open tickets, so I'm really curious what's going on with your setup!


Are you seeing double prints when you save tickets on the iPad, Register, or both? And it's only the new Kitchen printers?


The only thing popping into my head is to verify that your printer stations are pointed at the right printers. If both printers are the same type, it's really easy to get them confused unless you're on top of IP addresses on your network.


But..... that wouldn't cause a second print to happen at time of closing an Open Ticket. This issue would be seen only if two tickets are printing at time of saving the ticket.


Hmmmm...... 🤔


Wow, yeah you got me on this one. I definitely recommend calling customer support. Sorry I couldn't be more help!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 4 of 4