
Feature Request: We need to create open orders/invoices with deposits

I would love the ability to create orders/invoices and take a deposit... Then have a status dropdown menu for order/invoice tracking (similar to the status dropdown that exists right now on the invoices for PAID and UNPAID- but with more options).


Our orders typically take a few weeks to complete, so the "open ticket" feature is not helpful to us. I have not found any other workaround, so we are handwriting our custom orders now which is very inefficient.

I need this soon!

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Square Community Moderator

Hi there! 


The ability to accept partial payments or deposits on your invoices is a great idea and a feature that has been requested by others!


I definitely agree that it would help a lot of sellers with unique uses for invoicing. 


It's not available yet, and I don't have a timeframe that I can give you, but our Product Team is aware and I'll send your request over as well. 


The one work around that I've seen other sellers use edit the original amount and resend the invoice. To do so:

1. Visit your "*Invoices tab*":https://squareup.com/dashboard/sales/invoices and select the invoice you’d like to edit.
2. Click Edit to update the invoice details before resending. 

Only the updated invoice will be payable by your customer.


Also, you may want to add a note to the edited invoice to indicate that it's a partial payment. You can send your customer a separate invoice at any time for the remaining balance of the original amount.

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