
Feature request: Custom Inventory Adjustment reasons

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Inventory Adjustment Reasons


While I am very thankful for the in-app inventory tracking, the options for adjusting seem to lack a few. Could we make that customizable to meet specific needs? In my opinion Damage, Theft, Loss are pretty much the same, however I need an option for “Store Use” or “Transfer” (out for the most part as transfer in can be considered stock received, I suppose.)

Message 1 of 44

Square, after so many comments you would think someone would finally say, hey, this appears to be problem for our users and a simple fix, and then FIX IT! I sell some product online on our website, but the systems don't integrate, so I have to manually reduce stock of an item as it sells. I add the online gross sales so they are accounted for, but have no means to actually adjust the inventory affected. Even if you give us an option for "other" and let us add our own note, as already proposed above, we would have a more accurate picture of why an item's numbers have been changed. All you do is say thanks for the info, but in 4 years you have not come up with a solution. Shame on you. 

Message 43 of 44

Replying to my own post... Square, you give us the option to change a "reason" for comps and voids. How hard could it be to just create the same ability in Settings to add our own? Very frustrating!!

Message 44 of 44