
Have to reenter phone number into Loyalty program

For every sale we Add Customer to the sale using the dropdown in the upper right of the POS screen.  We ask the customer for their phone number and search for it.  If not found, we create a customer record and ask the customer for their name and optionally their email.  Whether found or newly added, we add the customer to the sale.  We then complete the sale and if they meet our Loyalty program dollar threashold, the Loyalty screen appears.  What often happens (and is annoying and makes us look stupid) is that the phone number just entered does not propgate to the Loyalty Program screen.  I have to re-ask my customer for the same phone number they gave me 30 seconds earlier,  Sometimes the phone number transfers and sometimes it doesn't.  I'm not sure what causes it to sometimes not transfer.  Am I doing something wrong or is there a better way to do this so the phone number consistently propogates to the Loyalty screen and the customer can claim their stars without entering it twice?  Thanks

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Hello @thewickworks, I can provide some insight as to why this happens!


So adding a customer to a sale does not automatically pull the customers phone number to the loyalty page. The 10 digit number that the customer enters for loyalty actually doesn't need to be their phone number at all. It just has to be a unique set of numbers they can remember. 


A phone number will auto populate on the loyalty screen, if the customer has provided their phone number for a digital receipt. I see how adding customer and having Point of Sale pull the phone number from their profile could avoid an awkward situation. I will pass this feedback along to our product team. 


If you have any other questions or suggestions please let me know! 😀



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