
How can I take off the owner passcode?

I was going through my sqaure dashboard settings and i found a tab for the owners passcoade but ever since i turned it on, I have to type it in on my app. It gets annoying especially when running one account on multiple devices. How can i get this fixed?

Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

Okay, I need verification about what passcode you're talking about:


If you're talking about a four digit code to get to your items, you can turn that off in the app by going to Settings then Employee Management. You can switch "Require Employee Passcode" to never.



Or, if you're talking about the password to log into the app from a tablet or to log into the dashboard, you really do't want to remove it (not that Square would give you a way!)


There is a TON of financial data for both your company and your customers stored behind that password. Not having that information password protected could lead to some serious problems if someone came upon your tablet or got into your office.


In fact, I recommend enabling Two Factor Authentication to further protect your account.




Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 4

I'm not entirely certain this will help, but since I ran into something similar, I thought I'd share. I too turned on the owner passcode without knowing what that entailed, and then the Square Terminal started requiring it upon waking up or powering on. Since this is a shared device and I don't really care who uses it in our club, that wasn't ideal.


The solution for us turned out to be, in the Square Terminal itself, to go to Settings > Passcodes, and turn off the Enable Passcodes switch.


I couldn't find anywhere to do this in the Web-based dashboard. Personally, I think any setting you set in the dashboard should be removable in the dashboard, but that doesn't seem to be the case with the owner passcode.

Message 3 of 4

I think they must have turned this option off


Message 4 of 4