
How do I cancell the free trial for Square for Retail?

How do I cancel the free trial for Square for Retail that only works with IOS I I don't want it.




Square for Retail

$60 per location (includes one point of sale)

$20 per additional point of sale

You have 1 location
You have 0 additional points of sale

Free trial

Ends February 10, 2020


I use the basic square and online store.  I also only use android so  I have no use for the new Square for Retail and I do NOT want to get charged $60 a month for something I cannot use and do NOT want.


There is no option listed to cancel the Free Trial  Help Please!!

Message 1 of 5

Hey @GemsintheValley-


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community.


If you don't want to continue using Square for Retail after the free trial, then you will not be charged. It sounds like you can't unsubscribe, because you haven't chosen to subscribe yet or provide payment information for the subscription. 


If you're concerned about this, you can contact us so we can cancel the free trial early. Let me know if you have any questions about this! 

Message 2 of 5

This is my same problem and will go to the 'contact us' for help.Obviously i'm not the only one who has made this mistake.I see threads going back to 2017 with this same issue so by now Square should have installed a way to have a cancel button.No one should have to go through the process of upgrading to cancel. Tara


Message 3 of 5

Same here.  I put off "giving it a try" like all the alert messages and email marketing messages said, but finally decided to "give it a try."  It's not a try if you have no option to back out! 


I can't exit the store set-up pages, and therefore can't get to my website to edit it!  What's worse is that we're stuck in this tutorial for three months until it expires... OR overwrite our entire website with a blank Square store page.  I can't go in to backup my site in preparation because, again, I can't get to the site editor. 


If I chose to publish the trial store to my current domain, I get this message: 

"Unpublish old & publish new site: Your existing Weebly site will be replaced, but your paid plan is still active. You can bring your old site back at any time, but only under a different domain name." 

Ok, DON'T want that!!


(Two other options, buying domain or importing one I own elsewhere, don't apply)


So I chose "Use a Square Subdomain" it says "change" inside the button - did this seriously just permanently change my account to be associated with this free Square address, instead of the domain that I own??


And even after trying that, I STILL can't get to an editor for my original website!!


I've sent an email message to support and chatted with the web bot (not helpful), so the only option is to wait until someone responds to this.  Not cool.  (Time to start praying it's not completely gone...)

Message 4 of 5

Oh, thank goodness... I found that there is a secret drop down menu in the upper left corner (available on the very first still-Weebly dashboard page, not within Square at all) that let me toggle between the store I never wanted, and my website, still safe and secure on my own domain.  I will unpublish/delete the store, now that I know it is completely separate from my website.


The Square Professional trial is still a nasty trick to play on your customers!! And to read this has been going on for years?  Terrible.

Message 5 of 5