
How do I give appointments access (app or dashboard) to a front desk employees?

I am trying to give a few of my front desk employees access to the appointments calendar so they can take, reschedule and cancel appointments for my providers. I can't seem to get it to work unless I add the front desk employees to the list of staff/providers in appointments which for one, costs more money and secondly, creates unnecessary calendars. Certainly this is some kind of glitch or am I missing something?




Message 1 of 5

Hey @eriklmalonedc-


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community.


If you'd like your employees/staff to have access to view the Appointments calendar, they would need to be added as a staff member. We do consider front desk and non-service providers staff members when it comes to billing for the subscription at this time. Sorry about that.


The only known work around would be to give your employees your login information so you all can view the Appointments calendar at once, which may not be something you want to do given the sensitive information on your Square account. Let me know if you have any questions about this. 

Message 2 of 5

Thanks for the speedy response. I have some concerns. The software clearly makes is seem as if non-staff team members could access the calendar. But, as above, it does not allow and a "work around" is the only solution. Appointments users are forced to unnecessarily increase the number of staff. Since square charges more for more staff, I wonder, how is that not fraud?


How many square appointments users pay twice as much for the service just so that front desk staff (who do not need a bookable schedule) can use the software? This has been an issue for at least two years now. I'm doing some rough math here but this seems substantial. I may be totally misinterpreting the situation, but it seems like square is reluctant to make the change because it may affect profits. Is there another reason that I may not be aware of?


I am a small business owner who chooses to use square payment processing, marketing, payroll, and appointments. The ecosystem is nice, convenient, and mostly worth the hefty monthly sum I fork out to use it, but I'm not impressed with square appointments handling of this, or lack thereof.



Message 3 of 5

Hey @eriklmalonedc-


I hear your concerns. I'm wondering if maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're looking for.


We have made Square Appointments free for individuals. If you'd like your staff to have access to your business's Square Appointments calendar (to make changes, reschedule, view), that's when you have to add them as staff members and upgrade your monthly subscription.


If you are trying to give your employees/staff access to your calendar, as another work around, you can sync your Square Appointments calendar with your personal calendar, and then they can view the appointments from there. They wouldn't be able to reschedule, or cancel appointments, but they'd still have viewing without you having to add them as staff. Let me know if I've misunderstood your needs, as I want to get this figured out. 

Message 4 of 5
Beta Member

I agree with @eriklmalonedc. The only thing you are encouraging here is poor business practices for us to setup a single User for Front Desk users, rather than us creating a separate login for each one of them. I find it extremely odd that you provide online booking for anyone to create appointments, but then limit company usage to added staff users only.

Message 5 of 5