
Item Category Sales Report?

I sell my clothing line through a boutique on consignment. She uses Square register. She has fallen behind on providing me monthly sales records. She says it is because there is no way for her to generate a report of just my sales without going through sales month by month and item by item. Is there a spreadsheet she can export or something that would show my itemized sales? Or even sales per category, like the number of hats sold, for example. She does not have a computer and only uses an iPad. Are there features she is not able to use without a computer? 

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Hi @EllaSalomea! The boutique owner is right, the only report available from an iPad is the Sales Summary report.


However, she view the Item Sales report or the Category Sales report from her online Square Dashboard, which she can also access on an iPad.


To access detailed reports from an iPad:

  1. From Reports section of the app tap Sales (edit the date) and then tap View on Dashboard.
  2. Enter the email address and password associated with the account.
  3. From the next screen tap Sales and then tap Item Sales.
  4. Edit the date range and then tap Export in the upper right > tap Summary CSV. She'll see the report on the screen and she can take a screenshot and send it to you.

She can also sign in to the Dashboard at squareup.com/dasboard from the browser app on her iPad. (Safari is the default browser for iPads but she might use Chrome/Firefox to access the internet.) When she has signed in she can follow steps 3 and 4 about to view reports and send them to you. 


Ideally she would sign in an a computer and then she could download each report to email to you. But hopefully this helps in the meantime.

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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