
Reporting: Discount Reporting

Does anyone know of a way to run a report that would allow me to see which discount was applied to a specific transaction?


We issued a coupon and I am trying to see what the average ticket total was when the coupons were redeemed.

Message 1 of 16
Super Seller

Yes... I'd like to know this too. When you look at an individual transaction in your dashboard, it will show you the name of the discount that was applied on that receipt, but I cannot seem to find a single report which lists the NAME of the discount that was used.

Message 2 of 16
Super Seller

NEVERMIND!!! I just found it. I'm so used to exporting the same reports, that I never thought to look around more in the dashboard for these details. So in your sales reports, you can do a report for discounts. Glad I found this.

I'd like to see what discount was applied in tandem with the transaction in the transaction reports, but I can settle for this.

Screenshot (48).png

Message 3 of 16

I was aware of this report, but as you mentioned it doesn't actually solve the problem of seeing what discount was applied to specific transactions. 


If I want to see how much people are spending in total when they redeem a coupon, this report will not help with that. As far as I can tell, there is not currently a way in which we can mine the data for this information through reports or spreadsheet manipulation. 

Message 4 of 16

@SAWbeer Helen here from the Community team.


You're right, at this time the report @LocavoreStore mentioned (thank you!) doesn't provide detailed information on each transaction that a discount was applied to. You can see if a discount was added to a transaction from the Transaction CSV (click Sales  > Transactions > Export CSV).


But, I do understand that you're looking for something more detail than the Transactions CSV report can provide and I’ll share your request for a more detailed Discounts report with our Analytics and Reporting team.


These threads help the team to prioritize features for development and which to save for later, so thanks for posting about this!

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 5 of 16

Hi there Helen,

I'm just reponding here so you hear from another member of the community who would hugely value this feature. I find it very bizarre that the discount type is detailed in the receipt but not in the transaction report, because clearly your system is recording the data, it just isn't translating to the reporting function. The lack of having this information in my reports makes the discount feature essentially useless to us as a method of tracking inventory.


For example, I have discounts in my list so that I can "sell" an item with a "damaged" discount or a "promo item" discount at 100% to ensure my inventory is accurate in the system without having an error in my cash. However, without a detailed report that tells me which item was damaged or promo'd, this feature lacks the essential information I need to accurately understand how products are leaving inventory without it being hugely labour intensive. We are a promo heavy business and we use this function every single day. 


Is this feature something that is on your team's radar? To be completely frank, this is something that will cause us to change our POS provider moving forward. 

Message 6 of 16


Thanks for your feedback @LHBrew, I'll share this with the Point of Sale team so we can improve the reporting for discounts.


I don't have a timeline on when better reporting for discounts will be available, but our team will take your experience into consideration when making any changes — this is very useful information!


Have you considered using the Comp feature instead of selling items at a 100% discount? When you comp an item not only will your inventory will be updated after the 'sale', but you'll also be able to view a report of items that were comped. When you enable Comp and Voids a report for each type (one for Comps, one for Voids) will be visible in the Sales section of your online Square Dashboard, like the Discounts report mentioned above. You can also export a CSV file of items that were comped. 


I hope this helps somewhat. Thanks again for your post and if you have any other questions or feedback please let me know! 




️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 7 of 16

Bueller, Bueller....anyone have a suggestion for how to see what your customers are spending when they are using a coupon? I need to see what our upsell is when customers use a coupon and right now I do not see a way to do that. @Helen

Message 8 of 16

Hey @SAWbeer! Hmm, you can view sales made with the coupon, or sales made after a customer has viewed a campaign (but hasn't used the coupon) from each Campaign Report. This report 'lives' in the Marketing section of your online Dashboard and you can click on the name of a completed campaign to see the report.


If you hover your cursor over the "i" shown above, you'll see the following additional information:


Attributable Sales - The total sales generated from customers who made an in-store purchase within 14 days of viewing this campaign, or any customers who redeemed a coupon.


Attributable Purchases This is the number of in-store transactions made by customers who viewed this campaign and made a purchase within 14 days (but didn't use the coupon).


It sounds like Attributable Purchase is the closest to what you're looking for but if you're looking for something else it would be great if you could let us know! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 9 of 16


Adding another vote for a bulk report that shows which discount was used for a given transaction, without needed to trace through to each receipt. As is noted, the data is there in the database, just needs to be an added column or new report.


Message 10 of 16

Tagging your post as another request for @Helen - thanks for posting! 😊



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 11 of 16

This is a total workaround, but the only place I have found where the discount is shown related to a specific transaction is on the receipt.  You can create a URL for the receipt from "https://squareup.com/receipt/preview/" || Payment ID.  Using the payment ID's from the transaction export, I grabbed receipt in plain text, then searched it for the name of the discount.


Not the most straightforward approach, but it got the job done for me.


I am leaving out the technical details, but am happy to share if anyone is interested.

Message 12 of 16

I want to track discounts as well as the total amount collected during the transactions, so that I can measure the incremental sales. For example, I launch a BOGO, I want to track:


Total Redemptions: 2

Total Sales: $25

Amount Discounted: $14

Amount Collected: $11


Is there a way to do this?

Message 13 of 16



You'll need to pull a Discounts Report found in your Dashboard to view those deets. More on this thread I moved you to 🙂

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 14 of 16


in an effort to drive online sales if we are forced to close for COVID 19, id like

to promote a sale to our salon guests, offering a %off of retail sales. 
I currently have square for retail. I want to set up a discount code that is the name of each stylist, so they can promote to their clientele, and I will I turn be able to track which client bought what, and pay commission to the appropriate stylist. 
how do I do this? On a normal day I feel like I could figure it out, but right now does not feel normal, and I just need some

direction on how to accomplish my goals. 
thank you. 

Message 15 of 16

Hey @HavenHairLounge - after you've created discounts, you can track them from Dashboard by pulling a Discount report but it will provide summary totals and does not break down individual transactions. For that, you'll need to download a Transactions CSV. 


I merged you to a thread that should help. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 16 of 16