
Square Appointments on my Squarespace Website

I successfully embedded a Square Appointments Widget on my Squarespace website, and it worked for a month or two.

But then it started causing problems on the back-end of my Squarespace website. Squarespace's dashboard shuts down whenever you open a page that has Square's embedded code. I had placed the code in a footer, and Squarespace support suggested remove it from the footer.


That worked, and I'm currently making do with a button that goes to my Square online booking site. But I'd like to have an embedded calendar.


I am drafting a dedicated page for this in Squarespace, with the idea that putting the code on an individual page will at least isolate the problem. But the Square code is still causing the same problem on the individual page. Has anyone else successfully embedded Square Appointments on a Sqaurespace site? Anyone had my problem?

Thanks in advance for any guidance.




Message 1 of 3

I'm having a similar problem...I've also embedded the widget on to my Squarespace website in two different places (maybe that's part of my problem?) and all of a sudden they both disappeared from the website. I refreshed the code and resaved everything, it showed up for a little while and then disappeared again within an hour on the live site. 


Either you can't embed the calender twice on one site (2 different pages) or something is wrong with the code where it won't stay put. Frustrating when clients haven't been able to see the calender or book anything for probably over a week and I didn't realize it!

Message 2 of 3

I have the same issue and when I asked them about it they said the code was working and that it must be squarespace.  I have tried other appt widgets on the site and they populate just fine so I definitely think its the code.  Unfortunately, Im having to switch to another appointment software.


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