
Stop receipts from truncating item descriptions

  My receipts are being emailed to me and my clients with item names being truncated to seven characters. Is there anyway to get more characters to display or to stop truncating entirely? This function is making our receipts virtually unusable in gleaning useful information in what customers have purchased. I have many products that start  with the same general name. For example I have many "Camp Firefly" and "Firefly Friday" and "aftercare" products that I offer for sale the main differences for each product offering are the different dates in which they are held. But every time someone buys one there is no way for the customer or the merchant to see on the receipt which dates of those camps were purchased because of the truncating. 

Message 1 of 8
Square Community Moderator

Hi there and welcome to the Seller Community,


That does sound a bit strange, as receipts should be itemized and reflect the full name of the items sold. I might need to see an example case so I can investigate further. 


Is there any way you can provide a screenshot?

Message 2 of 8

Hey EJ,

Thanks for taking a moment to inquire further into our issue. Here is a screen cap of what we are seeing.


I've had it where a customer would purchase a camp enrollment a few months in advance, and then they have to email us because they've forgotten which dates their child was actually enrolled into. It seems like a useful piece of information that should just be glancable from the receipt, rather than making them jump through hoops to email us, so that we have to jump through hoops logging into the store admin to find out.


Looking forward to hearing from you.


Truncated Order Details

Message 3 of 8
Square Community Moderator

@Firefly Thanks for the clarification. 


It looks like you're pulling up the order notification. 


The receipt itself, when clicked on and pulled up through a web browser, will reflect all of the information that is included in the purchase. 


Here's a screenshot of the customer facing receipt:


Message 4 of 8

Hey EJ,


Thanks for the reply... OK, I'm trying to wrap my mind around what's happening here. So tell me if I get this right...


For every purchase a customer makes online, they actually receive two seperate emails? a receipt AND an order confirmation?


Because here is a quote from an email that I got from the customer themselves:


"What did I purchase here?  I cannot remember what I have the kids signed up for these days.

Customer Facing Order Confirmation
So, clearing this confirmation email is customer facing too, since the customer forwarded this email to me. If what I'm posting here represents an "order confirmation" can you go into a little detail about what a "receipt" is?
1. What is the intended purpose for each (receipt and confirmation) in the scope of the Square system?
2. Are they sent at the same time?
3. How does a customer access the receipt instead of the confirmation? Is it a simple as clicking on the confirmation to see the receipt?
4. can we make confirmation emails not truncate details, since it clearly states on top of it, "your order details are listed below" (sort of funny really.)
Thanks in advance.
Message 5 of 8
Square Community Moderator

@Firefly The only difference would be the style of payment that is accepted and how things are itemized on an Order Confirmation through the online store compared to a traditional receipt from a purchase with the Square Point of Sale app. 


I can see how having parity between the two makes more sense, so I'll definitely bring this up to our Product Team. 


In the meantime, there's a few things you can do to help alleviate this: 


-You can add the dates of the event to the notes section of the item, which will reflect all of the information that you've entered (the same section where you have "8:30am Early Drop off"


-When a customer asks to confirm their dates, you can pull up the sale in the Square Point of Sale app Recent Activity section to view the full details of the purchase. 


-You can send your customer a traditional receipt, which would reflect the full item names. 


Message 6 of 8

Hey EJ,

Appreciate your efforts in finding ways we might better be able to use the Square system...

Just so you have the full picture of how we utilize Square...  Virtually all of our orders are received from online webstore traffic and via emailed invoices I send clients. So we don't really fit the typical square-user that might have a brick and mortar shop where people come in to peruse goods and then proceed to check out at a cash register.


Aside from having to code the webpage, or email out the invoices, or updating our list of people signed up for camps, I'm pretty hands off with the order processing.


That being said, ideally, I'm trying to make sure that solutions I employ don't require that I personally be involved in every transaction that occurs.


Rather than diving into the orders section of the dashboard to dig up order details for a customer, I'd rather get ahead of the problem and make sure that they never need me to do that to begin with, if I can help it.


When you said:


"-You can add the dates of the event to the notes section of the item, which will reflect all of the information that you've entered (the same section where you have "8:30am Early Drop off""


Just so you know the part that says: "8:30am Early Drop off" is being printed to the order confirmation via an item variant, not an item note.


Speaking of the notes section you are talking about... I went into my Dashboard > Items > Edit Item and I couldn't find anything that fit that description. So my questions are:


1. Do items in the Square system have some sort of Notes attribute that I can add text to that prints fully on the Order Confirmation email? I'm not clear what you mean by "Notes Section."


2. you mentioned that receipt emails and order confirmaiton emails are different by the "style of payment that is accepted." does that mean receipt emails are triggered from POS orders and order confirmation emails are triggered via online store orders?


Once again, thanks in advance for your help.


...and not keeling over with a heart attack when you see my long drawn out reply.

Message 7 of 8
Square Community Moderator

@Firefly I'm now starting to confuse myself between traditional receipts and order confirmations 😅


I definitely meant the variant name in my previous post and not the notes section, I'm sorry for my confusion. 


Also, you're correct about the difference between order confirmations and receipts. Online Store orders are what triggers an order confirmation, and payments in the Point of Sale app would lead to customers being prompted to enter their email or phone number for a traditional receipt. 


Message 8 of 8