
Taking Pre-Orders, Issue Barcode Receipt, Redeem at Event

Will be rolling out Square at 9 food & beverage serving locations on campus at our annual church festival this July.


Considering option to to allow customers to use our new eCommerce site (WooCommerce, perhaps?) to pre-order custom meals at a discount, then bring receipt to a specific Carry-Out dining location during the 3-day event and redeem their meal.


We offer a wide variety of food items, so rather than a generic "meal deal" I was hoping to allow them to build an order on the site (i.e. 2 fish sandwiches, 1 mac-n-cheese, 1 bottled beverage, and 1 piece of cake), with their receipt including perhaps a bar code the cashier can scan at the specific pickup POS. Need to be able to ensure 1-time use, so they can't just print a receipt 5 times and re-use. Need specific identifiers.


If this is too complicated, or impossible, I may just sell "meal deals" in advance (i.e. 1 entree, 1 side, 1 beverage, 1 dessert). But we want to track sales of specific items to use the data for future analysis.


Thoughts? Tips? Am I crazy?

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Square Community Moderator

Hi @indyfestival


Welcome to the Seller Community!

In regards to your pre-orders through an eCommerce site, you'll need to work with whomever you choose to see if it's possilbe to have order tickets go through to your Point of Sale with a Square Integration. I know WooCommerce has an entire team that's dedicated to this, as they developed and support the Square integration on their end specifically. 


From a few events that I've seen personally, the second option of selling "Meal Deals" is a very common workaround for vendors on-site at large scale festivals. It would be tough on inventory, but there are a few workarounds that might help with that as well. 


I recall one seller using a "Pre-Paid" 100% discount whenever a voucher or receipt was presented. They'd then add the items of their meal to the sale, add the discount, and ring the sale up as "Other Tender" for inventory tracking. 

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I will definitely reach out to Woo on the integration. Just getting geared up.


I really like your last paragraph. Don't know why I didn't think of that. Very simple. Tracks items sold and allows $0 tender. Only issue is tracking the use of the vouchers.


Best thing might just be for us to sell preloaded gift cards then just ring up orders normally.


Thanks again!

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