
Toggle Discount on Checkout Screen

Maybe some other folks are having trouble but I can't seem to find a solution to this. 


We're a bar in a music venue. Some people are members and have $1 off drink discounts. Square says that you can add applicable discounts by clicking on the item itself in the checkout screen. So if i'm selling "Beer" I add "beer" to my cart and then click directly on the "Beer". From there I see a screen that allows me to adjust quantity, add a note, and then at the bottom there's an option for discount. For some reason, I can't change what discounts are on this screen. IT will only let me put the same 4 discounts there, and they're all for 100% off (which I obviously don't want). How can I adjust which discounts appear when you click on an item? None of these discounts are item specific by the way. PLease help. Thank you 

Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

EDIT: I first thought you had a Square Register but maybe not. In any case if you do or are using an ipad with Square POS, try the steps below.


Hello @watermelonman and thanks for your question. I'm sorry you're having trouble with discounts. I also use discounts on the Register, so I hope I can help here. You may need to edit/add your discounts to have them show up in the checkout screen. First from the Register, go into ITEMS > DISCOUNTS. Look and see if you have those 100% discounts there. If so, you can delete those if not needed. You can also add your new $1 off discount in this area. So you have to add the discounts first in the ITEM area of the register.


Then go into the checkout screen and try again. See if you can click on your Beer item, and have your new discount show up. I hope this helps, let me know if it works for you.

Homestyle Charlie
Handmade Heirloom Ornaments & Charms
Check our links for retail Etsy orders and Wholesale Ordering Info
Message 2 of 4

Hi HC_Charlie - Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it. This is watermelonman - I had to create a new account for some reason 😑 


You are correct that I'm using an Ipad with Square POS. I have tried the solution you suggested. I followed the steps and added a $1 off discount, but it refuses to show up on the checkout screen. When I set it for any percentage, it shows up. But for some reason, when I use it for a fixed dollar amount, I can't get it to appear. I appreciate your help, but do you have any other suggestions? 

Message 3 of 4

Hi HC_Charlie - see the thread pasted below. Apparently this feature is unavailable? 



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