
What is best practices for date driven merchandise sales?

We charge registration fees for events.  They are entered as an item in Square with a set price.  What is the best practice to increase the price for thar fee based on specific dates?

For example:

Category: Walk_2016

Item Name is Regular Price for $30

Description is Walk Registration

Currently when this price increases, perhaps on the day of the event, I add a new item for each type of registration:

Category: Walk_2016

Item Name is Event Day Price for $35

Description is Walk Registration

Any suggestions for a better way to do this?  We have the same events, year in, year out selling registrations or tickets, merchandise, etc.  Most of the time we have leftover items so we are selling prior year nerchandise at a discount, so I end up adding new items for that with a description of Prior Yr shirt and a new price.  I feel sure there is a better way to do this.


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1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there!


You can try creating these items with Price Variants for each additional date (e.g. Pre-Sale, Regular, Day of). 


This would allow you to have different price points for the same item without having to create entirely new items. 


You can read more on Price Variants here.


For selling prior year merchandise, rather than creating new items you can simply create a Discount to apply to each sale of old merchandise. 


I hope this helps! 

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Message 2 of 2
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there!


You can try creating these items with Price Variants for each additional date (e.g. Pre-Sale, Regular, Day of). 


This would allow you to have different price points for the same item without having to create entirely new items. 


You can read more on Price Variants here.


For selling prior year merchandise, rather than creating new items you can simply create a Discount to apply to each sale of old merchandise. 


I hope this helps! 

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