
Please improve user interface for "create item"

I use the Square POS app on the Square Stand.


We are a consignment store selling unique items, so we create hundreds of items every day. The existing system is cumbersome.


In the "create item" screen, I first tap on the NAME field. This brings up the iPad's keyboard and I type the name. Then I hit RETURN which dismisses the keyboard, but doesn't move the cursor to the next field. Then I usually have to scroll down to the PRICE, SKU, and STOCK fields. These fields are below the screen, so I have to scroll to get to them. There is no option to TAB to the next field.


All of this is tiring and takes time.


It would be much easier if the app had a NEXT button to move the cursor to each field in succession, and moves that field into view on the screen. Or if the RETURN key moved the cursor. 


This may seem like a trivial request, but it would be a big help to those of us who have to create items all day long.



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Square Community Moderator

Hi @mikesclub! Thanks for posting and for the feedback! I will share it with the Development Team. 

Community Moderator, Square
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