
A way to show services specific to a location?

A way to show services specific to a location?

The title of this thread was updated from its original title: “mulitple locations with different services”.


I am a chiropractor and I adjust in multiple locations with different services/pricing offered based on location (housecalls have set fees while in office do not). Is there a way to show only services for that location rather than it showing them all? Thanks!

1 Verified Answer
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Re: mulitple locations with different services

Hello @bodysoundMT, currently we don't have the ability to differentiate services by location. This is feature request and we'lll share any updates we'll update this post to let you know.


This is not a perfect solution, but as a workaround you could create a service with the location in the name. For example, 30 Minute Massage (Office Visit) or 30 Minute Massage (Home Visit). This way each service can have it's own respective price and your customer knows which location their picking. 



Square Champion

Yes.  go to your Item dashboard click on an item and in the details section click locations and you can turn on and off per item per location.


Screen Shot 2017-10-07 at 9.27.07 PM.png

This is great for items, but is there a way to do this for services?  We have a new office opening in an area that are going to force us to increase our price for a service and only want that location to see that specific service.  Is there a way to do that?

We're having the same issue. Need to only show in-home prices on the in-home booking site. Is there a solution? 


Hi @AKemist - are you able to add the "in-home" as a separate location where it has "in-home" pricing? That's one work around I can think of!

Sadly no. I was able to add it as a location, but ALL of the services show up on ALL locations. 

Im just getting started, same issue with certain services only offered at certain locations. have you come up with a solution since this thread was started?

Hello @bodysoundMT, currently we don't have the ability to differentiate services by location. This is feature request and we'lll share any updates we'll update this post to let you know.


This is not a perfect solution, but as a workaround you could create a service with the location in the name. For example, 30 Minute Massage (Office Visit) or 30 Minute Massage (Home Visit). This way each service can have it's own respective price and your customer knows which location their picking. 



I did end up labeling my services by location 


next challenge is that I don’t seem to be able to switch back and forth on the app. 

any tips there?

Hey @bodysoundMT, if you're referring to switching locations in the app you will have to sign out and then sign back in to select a different location.

I am discorvering the same problem. If you offer different services at different locations you can't set it to allow Service A to only be at Location A and Service B to only be at Location B. It has nothing to do with the item library or switching to other locations.