
Will Square ever be able to accept Electronic Benefit Card (EBT) payments?

Will Square ever be able to accept Electronic Benefit Card (EBT) payments?

Will Square ever be able to accept Electronic Benefit Card (EBT) (food stamps) payments?

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Re: Will Square ever be able to accept Electronic Benefit Card (EBT) payments?

For those who might be interested, here is our set-up for EBT.


We use a third party company for running EBT, which has a card reader and a pinpad. The companies vary by state, we use FIS. 

We hold an Arizona restaurant/hot meals EBT license and can accept just about everything on EBT except energy drinks and retail items like coffee mugs or keychains.


We use the code "E" in the notes section to be able to track which sales are EBT. We still record everything in Square so that we have data for all sales in one place.


Here are the steps we provide for our cashiers.

  1. Remove non-eligible retail items from ticket for a separate transaction. Tell the customer “I will ring these up separately for you.”
  2. Remove tax from ticket.
  3. Take payment on EBT machine for total of eligible items and offer customer receipt.
  4. Choose “CHARGE” on Square.
  6. Type “E” in “Notes.”
  7. Choose “TENDER.”
Square Champion

Unfortunately not right now, @myminimart .


From the Accepted Cards help file:

"We don’t currently support EBT or other benefits cards."

We need this - others need this.  Will it ever happen or is it time to find another solution?  Answers from Square would be nice.  Anybody working on it or is it a pipedream?


Hey @morageek - I definitely hear you and you're right about not being the only one asking for this. 


We're always are working to expand card acceptance with Square because we understand a large scale of buyers rely on EBT/Snap cards for their day to day purchases. That being said, I'll make sure this gets to the correct team - as we're continuing to track this one. 


I've merged your post with this thread so you can join the discussion with other sellers with the same request. I'll be sure to circle back here when I hear any updates.

It would be nice for square to accept EBT in this time of crisis. We make the food we sell, so why not let us take care of our customers, and I mean all customers. Please inform us when this is available. All customers are asking.


Hi @dnnettl. We hear you. I moved your post here so that if we do change this policy at some point, you'll be notified on this thread.


Thanks for hanging in there with us.

Instead of concentrating on all the new whizbangs, give us EBT.  That is FAR. MORE. USEFUL.


Please pass this on.


Thanks for taking the time to share this. I know EBT payment acceptance has been a huge feature request for some time. I will continue to bubble up your feedback to our team!

Please tell us the truth. Square has been stonewalling this topic for 4 YEARS!!!


Enough BS from the company. You are not interested in doing this. This has become very obvious.

There is an app on the marketplace that accepts EBT currently but the issue is that SNAP is not allowing anyone outside of brick and mortar or farmers markets be allowed the accept SNAP as payment. Someone can make a fancy payment solution all they want. Big Sams still gotta say yes. This is not a 4 year conspiracy and im right there with you. EBT would be so massive for people in general right now if it could be accepted mobilily and for myself launching a grocery delivery portion of my business.

I am a brick and mortar store.  Clover does it but I'm too small for them.  I'm sure I'm not the only brick and mortar store asking for this.


We need them to tell us one way or another.  Why not provide it for those that can use it?


All I see are platitudes.  Sorry for the frustration but where we are located far more people are on food stamps than not.