
How do employees view their cumulative hours?

How do employees view their cumulative hours?

My employees would like to be able to see how many hours they have worked past one shift. Is there a setting somewhere I can change for that?

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: How do employees view their cumulative hours?

Hi @TrueNature, this is Chris (product manager for Employee Management). Appreciate your earlier post and follow-up here - I hear you! I don't have a timeline I can share yet, but I will say that we are working on this right now. Couple of questions for you below to help us figure out the best approach for this:


- How are you working around this missing feature right now?

- Do you only want your employees to be able to view their own timecards, or would you want them to be able to edit them as well?

- If they're edited, would you want to be notified that a change was made? What would be the best way to show/tell you that an update was made?

- Should employees be able to delete timecards?

- Is there any time limit for which timecards an employee should be able to edit? i.e. only allow this for timecards in the last 2 weeks.

- Do you envision employees being able to log in to Dashboard to access this, or are you thinking more of an email or print-out from the POS after a completed shift?


Re: your comments about the clock in/out flow, I'd love to set up some time with you to chat about which parts you think are too cumbersome. I'll follow up so we can set up a time for a call.

Verified Answer

Re: How do employees view their cumulative hours?

At the moment, the only way for employees to have to ability to view past timecards is to update their team permissions to allow them to be able to log into Square Dashboard and "manage timecards". 


While this will allow them to view all of their old time cards, it will also give them access to adjust older time cards along with all other employee timecards. I understand that this can cause some issues as employees having the ability to edit each others, or their own, timecards isn't ideal. Ill share this request with our Product team.


Is there a way to track how many hours an employee is actually booked for s specific

period of time, i.e a week or month?

Square Community Moderator

Welcome to the Community, @skbutow


I moved your post to the thread where this feature has been requested.


Currently, it's still in development and hasn't been implemented yet. Once we have more information from our Product Team - we will post a Product Update here. 


There is a small workaround you can try from @kellyj on the first page of this thread. 


Thank you for adding your voice to this feature request! 



How many years has this basic feature request been "in the works" now?

Beta Member

@Kassi_ your suggestion to follow what @Kelly posted amounts to encouraging managers to open a huge security flaw:  'allowing all employees the capacity to edit all timecards'... brilliant...