
Feature Request: Bottle by the glass inventory

Feature Request: Bottle by the glass inventory

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Bottle by the glass Inventory


For inventory purposes, when I ring up a glass of wine how can I set it up for it to automatically discount a bottle of wine from the inventory?

1 Verified Answer
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Re: Feature Request: Bottle by the glass inventory

We're happy to announce a new Square for Retail feature: Sell-by Units and Stock Conversion.


Square for Retail Plus subscribers will now be able to sell an item in different units, and track inventory with those units - for instance, sell candles by a case of 12, by a bundle of 6, or by a single candle.

Read the full product update here.


Yes,  If you have your inventory by the bottle in square and you discount 100% and process it like a regualr sale, it will remove that bottle from your inventory.

I've researched the Topics and looked into the suggestions made by others, but I don't see where Square has made much of an improvement with this topic. It seems to me that this type of thing would be pretty standard for a POS system.

For Example. We have a Brewery Taproom. We sell beers by the glass, by a Taster size and in a BYO Flight of five 4 oz beers. We also track inventory when we put a new keg on tap by setting the inventory to the expected number of beers we should get for that particular keg size, since we want to know when that keg is getting low.

It is fairly easy to set up Price Variations on Product X. For example: Beer X -> 12 oz $4.00, 4 oz $1.50.


However, since there are two sizes and two prices for one item, inventory tracking assumes that you have two inventory quantities. When a customer buys a 12 oz beer, we expect that to pull 1 off the inventory for the keg. But if a customer buys a 4 oz pour, that tries to pull off a separate inventory, when in fact, they both actually pull from one source, which is the keg for Beer X. This should either pull 1/3 off the inventory, or set it up to pull 12 and 4 respectively from the total ounces available from a single inventory item. This would require a multiplier on the quantity to remove from stock, but that is simply another box to fill in, defaulted to 1 and to select whether this is joint inventory or do they each have their own inventory quantity.

A second issue is that if we try to add Modifiers for our BYO Flight, we do not get inventory tracking and that can skew the number of available beers we can pour for Beer X.

For Example: A person orders a BYO Flight of five beers (Beer A, B, C, D, E) each being 4 oz. The employee selects the item BYO Flight, which has its own price, say $10.00. The modifier list pops up with the beers we currently have on tap (Beer A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H). The employee selects the five beers that will be in the flight, Beer A, B, C, D and E.

Currently, these five 4 oz beers are not removed from the inventory for the A, B, C, D and E keg. If you sell a lot of flights in one day, your numbers can get fairly far off. It would be ideal if the item inventory would reduce based upon which modifiers have been selected, using the format I outlined above, pulling either from their own individual inventory or a joint inventory, as would be the case for us. 

It would also be ideal if the modifier list could be automated, so that when we adjust our current inventory, if the inventory quantity is greater than X, this would automatically appear as a Modifier for Product X, in this case, our BYO Flight Modifiers would populate with what beers we currently have on tap at 4 oz each. When inventory for a particular item reached a 0 quantity, that item is no longer available in the Modifier list. If we add a new keg of Beer Z, then Beer Z gets added to the BYO Flight Modifier list.


It seems this would also be useful for clothing color/sizes, Food additions/subtractions, or any place where a modifier should actually pull from inventory.



Hello @Sctn4elk


We're tracking both of these feature requests already in the Seller Community. I recommend checking out Multiple price point inventory and Can I track inventory on modifiers? I'll make sure to flag your post t our Catalog Team, but those are the threads we're tracking feedback on.


Normally I would just merge your post, but I can't split it into two. 🙂

Thanks, I'll check them out.

Chad, please include me in the resolution of how to track by the glass wine sales. Also, does the 100% discount still require the seller to pay taxes on the wholesale price of the bottle as well as the by the glass sales?


Thanks, Dan

Super Seller

if you 100% discount one item that item will not have a tax on it but the remaining items still will.

what about under inventory one bottle = 4 glasses (6 ounce pour) so under inventory if you have 4 bottles of wine and you have 16 glasses avail to sell. so once you sell one glass inventory should go down to 15 and so on...

We sell 12 individual color variations of a line of accessories, each with unique item code.  Each sells for $15/unit.  We have begun to offer "buy 2 for $20" where customer can buy any 2 of the 12 items.  We record the sale as a "Multi-Pack" so square records $20 sale.  However, we have no record of what individual color variations were sold in each multi-pack, so difficult to manage inventory.  At the end of the day, we have recorded item sales of 1) each of the 12 color variants when sold individually and 2) the number of multi-packs.  Need a way to capture specific items sold in each multi-pack. 




At this time we don't have a way to track the inventory inside a a multipack sale at this time, but it is a popular Feature Request and we're happy to pass it to the team for iteration. 

For insight into our Feature Request process you can take a look at this link which explains how we prioritize these requests to enhance the product.

Beta Member

So I own a neighborhood bar and grill, and for the most part I have loved Square.  One thing I haven't been able to figure out is bulk inventory tracking.  This is for any business that sells a single item that is received in bulk, but sold in different quantities.  

Specifically for me:

I receive a keg of beer, which is 15.5 gallons, or 1984 ounces.  

Historically, I put this in inventory when I receive a keg

Unit - 124


Now under each brand of beer I have Unit and Pitcher.  I consider a unit to be 16oz pint, and a pitcher is approximately 3.5 units.


Each time I input new stock in, I go in and manually adjust inventory, to reflect 3.5 for each pitcher sold, and set the pitcher inventory back to zero.


Now that square supports units, is there a way to do this automatically?


I want to add 1984 ounces each time I receive a keg, then set a pint for 16 ounces, a pitcher for 56 ounces, and a mug for 25oz.  


I've played with it off and on for awhile now, and simply cannot figure out how to do it.  Open to ideas!