
Feature Request: Square Gift Card and eGift Card redemption via a third-party website

Feature Request: Square Gift Card and eGift Card redemption via a third-party website

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Can Square gift cards be used in my Wix site?


We use Wix to host our small business website and just upgraded to their online store functionality becuase it gave us the ability to customize and look like a cohesive party of our website. 

We are still using Square to process our payments. We were wondering if Square gift cards and discount codes can still be redeemed on our website?

We've been really happy with our service with Square but really need more customization for selling our classes. Any help is appreciated! Thank you!


Unfortunately...that's what I thought. So in effect the gift cards feature are useless for ecommerce retailers. 

Does anyone have a work around or plugin option that works well? Holiday season coming up fast and this is the perfect opportunity to sell Gift Cards. 


Square Community Moderator

@NaroEscape I know it's not ideal, and hopefully we can improve this soon. 


Maybe @Woo_Phil can lend some insight on a good workaround?


Try checking in with your fellow sellers within the Holiday Guide Community Post to see if anyone has any good ideas that they use around this as well. 


Hey @NaroEscape - there aren't any great workarounds for using Square Gift cards on an e-commerce store. As @EJ_ mentioned, those can only be used directly on Square.


With WooCommerce there are several plugins that you can use to offer gift cards to your customers.


The Smart Coupons plugin has an option for gift certificates:



As well the PDF Product Vouchers plugin allows you to make stylized coupons:


Either of these plugins would allow your customers to make purchases on your WooCommerce site.

To redeem these in store, you would need to create a manual order on your WooCommerce site and then apply the coupon as payment. Since you are selling the item on your WooCommercee site, you can have WooCommerce update your Square inventory automatically using the WooCommerce Square plugin. There isn't a solution that would give you a gift certificate that you could use both on your WooCommerce site and your Square POS though.

So this is 2 years later can my customers use my gift cards on my woo commerce page that syncs with square?


I'm very sorry for the delay @Jtrietsch. This is still a feature request but I understand how important it is, thanks for flagging this. As soon as we have an update on accepting Square Gift cards on WooCommerce sites you we'll post here to let you know. 

This comment was created by merging the thread, "gift card".


How do I create a square gift card that can be redeemed online when a customer signs up for our fitness classes?  Or can gift cards only be processed once a customer is physically at my gym?  Given customers sign up in advance, would like to offer this. Our website runs on Wix.


Square Champion

This comment was created by merging the thread, "gift card".


unfortunately, Square gift cards don't work on WIX powered sites.

If I put the Square egift card purchasing link on my wix website, and someone purchases an egift card through that link, will the recipient of the egift card be able to purchase my products through my wix store website? Square is my payment processor.


Thank you!!

Square Champion

currently, Square gift card and egift cards do not work on Wix.  They did just recently add support for Weebly so it is possible it could be added later.

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: eGift card Redemption on our E commerce site


We have just set up the eGift card on our e-commerce store I'm confused as to how the customers will redeem these cards. I made a purchase to see how it works - as we didn't get an integration code or anything - once the customer enters the cart and goes to pay for the purchase where/how do they enter the redemption code?? How does this work? We have credit card or Paypal payments available not understanding how the credit is applied. We would NOT be opening a Square account - nor do we have physical locations where the person gives the number. Does this only work if Square is processing our credit cards? I was told I could try out the eGift cards first before deciding to move our business to Square. Calling the help line the lady really didn't seem to know the answer.
Thanks for your help.