
How do I delete a location?

How do I delete a location?

How do I delete a location that is inactive?


2 確認済みの回答

Re: How do I delete a location?

I am frustrated with the location option. I am the owner and some how I am listed as the location. Now I cannot see my inventory or update my inventory. I am afraid to deactivate location for myself because I am concerned I may lose everything. All I want to do is see my inventory and update it.


Re: How do I delete a location?

While we don't currently offer the ability to delete a location completely, you are able to deactivate any of your locations directly from your Square Dashboard. You can also reactivate your location at anytime, so you don't have to worry about accidentally disabling a location. 


I'll be sure to send your feedback about having this functionality over to our Product Liaison Team. 

Square Community Moderator

@brick I agree! That suggestion makes a lot of sense and I think it could really help - I know some sellers create extra locations on accident and just want them to go away from the drop down menus. 


I know you feel you've heard this a lot, but I will share this feedback with the development team. They really do read each bit of feedback we send their way, even if it feels like threads like this go unnoticed. 


Hang in there and know that we are on your side! 🙂

As a software developer with 25 years in developing software including financial apps, for example assisting a Fortune 500 company develop it's online stock trading capabilities, I certainly understand the complexities of managing financial data, and as I am dealing with settling the estate of a loved one I really, really, really appreciate corporate due diligence. That said I can't imagine it's that difficult to delete locations with no dependent data. I look forward to seeing this feature implemented.

Hi, I would like to delete some obsolete locations.  From what I gather you can only make them inactive.  Are there any other options?


Thank you.

Square Community Moderator

Hey @BikeFlorida! Welcome to the Community.


It looks like this question has been asked before already within the Community so I moved your post to an existing thread with the answer.


It looks like there is no way to actually delete the location but to just make it inactive. 


This most likely has to do with reporting purposes for past locations and payment history.

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Delete location... set up wrong initially


I need to delete my location... ESO-Cudahy... set up by mistake. Annoying that I can't  delete 


I've moved your post to this thread where other sellers have expressed interest in having the ability to delete a location, rather than deactivate the location. This isn't currently an available feature, but we'll be sure to post an update here if anything changes, @esobakes.

I have come across this thread which is really good. that tells me square up is not the right way to go for my business. I have spent three days on setting up store but created three locations and its confusing on different places to select a location. 


anyway, best luck with your product... I think square has not fixed this problem since 2016 and I don't believe in overnight magic. I will try WIX

"Expressed interest" is an understatement. I always enjoy having to select a location in order to sign in in order to comment. 😄 


Sorry to see you go @springbankrise. We understand that people need to do what's best for them and their businesses. Best of luck to you.

After reading the first reply to this post back in 2016 I really hoped that Square cared enough about its customer to fix this issue.  Simply making a location disabled doesn't stop it from showing up all over the interface.  Especially when one of the disabled locations is at the top of the list.  Remembering to change locations every time I try and do something in Square is a huge time sink.  And if I happen to forget I have the privilege of retracing my steps to see where I didn't make the change.
4 years is a long time to gather customer input and make a decision one way or that other.
How about adding a pop up message "Once created a location can never be deleted."  Be honest and upfront about what is going to happen.

Off topic - might want to add a warning that you can never change the name of the account opener.  Even if a legal name change has happened.
How about an honest answer?