
How to change personal name not business name?

How to change personal name not business name?

I need help with this too, but the only option I can find under "Personal Information" is to change my business name. I have a typo and would like to correct It without having to start over with my online shop, etc. 

1 Verified Answer
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Re: How to change personal name not business name?

@CKinkade Sorry for the late reply here,



Unfortunately you aren’t able to edit the legal name you used to activate your Square account. If you'd like to fix a typo with your activation name, you'll need to create a new Square account.


Fortunately the activation name is not public facing in any way. 


You're useless. I just switched to schedulability pay unsubscribing from these bull **bleep** notifications. Enjoy losing my business 

I wrote this on another thread, but wanted to share here as well.


Well apparently needing to take my business elsewhere is what I’ll need to do. PayPal charges about the same fees and has similar options for payment processing. Additionally, to set up an account with them, all we had to do was provide our email address, no extra account owner BS.


I was explained by Square when our nonprofit changed management that the previous “owner” had to set up the account with their social security number, so that’s what they don’t want to/can’t change the owner. PayPal does it right, with no weird personal data for business functions. Until you can get this figured out, Bye Square.

I have this issue too and yes the public can see this name when booking appointments online with Square appointment app

Super Seller Alumni

I am in the same boat. My aunt created this account years ago, so the account is in her name. However when I came in and I started to take over more and more of the business and start to really delve in to what Square had to offer, she decided to "retire" and I am in charge of everything, but it's still her name on the account and the card is in her name.

Now I have a fully developed account that doesn't have my name. Creating and moving everything would be too time consuming and would mean I would have to take my website offline while I did that.

Maybe if enough of us complain about the platform and how we can adjust things to updated info they might do something. They really need to get with the times before they lose everyone to Stripe. LOL

Super Seller Alumni

Lol. Right! What in business doesn't change? Like I said in my response, My aunt retired and left me in charge.

Hello, I am married now, how do I get my last name changed? TY

I think the BIGGEST issue I have with Square not being able to update our personal information is that I can't Square Secure my accounts with a legally different name! 


SQUARE - how you not ensure security on our accounts through Square Secure if YOU don't allow us to edit our information. Get your sh*t together like all of the other processing businesses.


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community @CME, and welcome!


As of right now, we don't have a way to edit the account owner name on a Square account 😔 Sorry about that! 


The only option right now is to create a new Square account. Once you set up your new account, you can transfer over your item library and any other necessary information. I went ahead and merged your post with the master thread regarding this feature request. 


Thanks again and we appreciate your patience.


Thank you for your reply.