
Square for Retail: Adding a store credit to a customer

Square for Retail: Adding a store credit to a customer

Has there been an update to the Square retail app or gonna be in the future to add a store credit to a customers profile on it? It would so be helpful.

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: How to give customer store credit/voucher

Trying to give a customer a complementary $25 for hardships.  I have the Advanced Accounting so I can use gift cards.  I would like to use a 100% discount promo code to pay for this gift card but the only option is Paypal or Stripe.  How can I give a customer store credit??

Beta Member

So many years and still no store credit, a basic basic basic thing that all e-commerce stores should have!!!  WTF is going on?


Hey let me add to that...no way to create custom order statuses and change them and no way to send notifications based on those status changes.  I'm using BCC in a mass email when my customers orders arrive for service (we are a film processing lab).  When customers make a mistake in the order process I have to use my phone terminal to issue a gift card of their balance...so dumb.  What a waste of time!  



Beta Member

Adding my voice to this thread. This just seems like a basic feature that any POS system should have. Please, is this something that is even being considered? Would be nice to have a current update

I feel like they have no intention of doing this and just want us to use the gift cards they can charge us for... Unfortunately I'm giving up on square and moving to a different POS system.. 

I've been needing this for 4 years and finally was forced to move on from Square. I am now using TOAST which offers Customer Credits along with a host of other features that Square never improved upon, like multiple categories. I wish Square would fix some of these issues because for a small business it is the best POS for us.



I know that this has been a pain for a long time.  This is how I have worked around it:


1. From your Square Dashboard, go to Gift Cards ->eGift Cards ->Promotion->Promotion Codes

2. Click Create Code button on the right.

3. Put in a promotional code, i.e. STORECREDIT10

4. Fill in the Discount amount to be the amount of the store credit, i.e. $10, Make the minimum amount match the discount amount. You don't need to select an expiration date. Then Save.

5. Go to your eGift Card purchase page. You can find that under  Dashboard ->Gift Cards ->eGift Cards ->Configure (Sell gift cards online must be toggled on) Click the link under this selection.

6. Purchase an eGift Card equal to the discount amount of the promotional code. Enter the code in the coupon code area and Apply.  You should then be able to send the eGiftcard to the customer via email with a message letting them know this is the equivalent to store credit...or just tell them how much it is for...or whatever message you want.


7. Bonus: If the email address is already connected with the customer in Square, Square should automatically add the eGift Card to their customer profile! You should check from the Dashboard.  You can add this manually by sending the card to yourself, opening the email, copying the 16 digit code, and entering it into the customer's profile. Be sure to delete the card from your profile.


I hope that helps!


@idmg that's not really a workaround. Purchasing an egift has been the suggested way to give crerdits for a couple of years now. Store Credit should not need a workaround and is a basic part of any real POS. If you search "store credit" you'll see what everyone is talking about.

I'm also struggling with wrapping my mind around the lack of store credit as we're moving from another system.  We even have customer's from our old system with outstanding store credit that I guess I will have to convert to gift cards.


Sort of related...

One thing we're trying to figure out is that we currently offer an incentive to new customers where they get 4 free drinks.  They can get 1 today and 3 the next time or all 4 the first time or whatever.  The "gift" is only for their use.  It seems I could actually do this just fine with the "coupon" code from the online side, but there's no "coupon" function on the POS side.  Anyone have any workarounds for this?  I even thought of using Square Loyalty to do this, but it looks like you can't start a new customer with points or free stuff; they have to earn the gift.

Square Community Moderator

Hey @ChapelBooks,


Thanks for reaching out to us on the Seller Community, it's great to have you. 


You can create discounts to apply in the checkout in your Point of Sale - get started here. Square Loyalty allows you to set up a rule e.g Buy 1 drink, get 1 drink free. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a workaround to enable Loyalty to grant a free drink upfront. 


In regards to offering store credit, offering a refund onto a giftcard could be a workaround while we continue tracking, and highlighting store credit as a feature request with our team. 


I hope this helps, and please let us know how you go!

Beta Member

I am shocked by this.  I have a cafe and had a client who just asked to pay $500 in advance for their coffees for the year.  The only way I could work out how to do this was to do the gift card suggested by @idmg but then how do you account for the $500 transaction that they just transferred into my bank account directly?

Surely there must be a store credit facility or prepayment facility?  This is absolutely crazy!

Square Champion

Does this solve it? 


"New: Issue refunds to eGift Cards!" 

