
Custom booking questions and fields?

Custom booking questions and fields?

I'm a bit surprised this doesn't seem to be possible. I just started a small tutoring/academic coaching business and I need to know whether the students are over 18 or not. Ultimately, it's a bit of an honor system thing, but not being able to ask for a parent's name is going to cause problems over the long term for things like processing credit cards and just knowing if the person that I'm scheduling is even legally allowed to enter into a contract or use a credit card.

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: How to add required custom fields for appointments?

Hey @TrinityTreasure, welcome to the seller community and thanks for bringing this up.


I went to check on this and the ability to add customized fields to the booking flow is not available at this time. I can see how this feature would streamline the check-in process for a wide variety of sellers. For now, you may need to verify additional details outside of the app.


We'll circle back with any other developments or solutions as they become available. Please let us know if you have any other questions in the meantime!

Verified Answer

Re: Custom booking questions?

Hi @Thomas2


Welcome to the Seller Community!


Custom booking questions or fields when your customers book appointments is definitely one of the more popular feature requests we've seen. 


Our Product Team is currently tracking this, and your personal use case for age limits is one that I haven't seen before, so thanks for sharing your feedback! Hopefully our Product Team can come up with a solution for this in the near future. 


Currently, the best workaround to collect additional information is to request that it be provided in the appointment notes when they book. Here's a screenshot from the customer booking side for reference: 



You can add instructions to indicate if they're 18+, and if not, to provide their parents name in the Service Description field so your clients can see it when they book. Here's another screenshot of the Service Description section: 



Hopefully one of your fellow sellers can chime in with a workaround that they currently use for their business. 


Let me know if you have any other questions 👍🏼

Verified Answer

Re: Customize Appointments form

Hi there, and welcome to the Seller Community!


I know it's pretty generic, but there currently isn’t a way to add custom fields to your online booking site, but this is a popular feature request the Appointments team is tracking.


What would be the reasoning behind changing the "How do we say hello?" section? Our Product Team would love to hear the feedback. 


any other recommendations for an online booking system that lets you customize questions for appointments? i have been with square for a year now and noticing that this has been a 4-year issue is a red flag... i am willing to pay for the feature so if square is willing to add an upgrade option that'd be great. but guess i will be looking for a new platform for my service.

Seriously 4 years and 14 pages of requests, multiple app changes including a new customization option for the booking site but no option for custom fields. This is preeeetty cringy Square. So much for silicon valley innovation. womp womp.