
Feature Request: Allow my client to pay for multiple appointments in one transaction

Feature Request: Allow my client to pay for multiple appointments in one transaction

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Appointments Application: How do I checkout and include multiple appointments on one ticket?

I recently did a soft launch of my business. I tried to close out my appointments and process them all under one ticket but quickly realized this was not possible. In my business model, I can go to a location with multiple contractors. Each contractor can have 1 to many services booked for the day. I need the ability to check out, add multiple appointments to one ticket, and charge that payment to one customer. - Example 1: Jane gets her cut by John, her makeup done by Carol, and her hair styled by Miguel. Jane is just one customer and should not have to process her card 3 different times. - Example 2: John gets his hair done by Max, his beard trimmed by Joe, and decides he wants to pay for Jane's bill in example one. In addition, there is a contractor attached to each service and they get a 70% commission and so this needs to be tracked accordingly for payroll. Currently, I do not see a way to do this. So I figured I'd post here to see what my options may be... This is a big problem for my business model. Thank you in advance for your help and guidance. JenVerg

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: How can one client pay for another client I instead of paying separately

Ah, so you're asking if it's possible to pay for two appointments in one card swipe.


This feature has been requested by others in this thread so I've moved your post here - thanks for letting us know how it would benefit your customers. I circled back and this is currently still a feature request. We'll update this thread if we hear any updates!

Verified Answer

Re: Appointments Application: How do I checkout and include multiple appointments on one ticket?

Hi @JenVerg, thanks for your post. At this time it's not possible to check out multiple Appointments at the same time, you will need to check out one appointment at a time. 


I understand that this isn't ideal for your business model but I'm glad you let us know how you'd like to use Square Appointments. I'll share this feedback with our Appointments team and it will help them to prioritize which features to build next! 


Hello I am a hair stylist and I would like to know if it is possible to check out a mother and daughter at the same time that book separately on the same day. Please advise. Thank you

Square Community Moderator

Hi! Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Seller Community! I've merged your post to an existing thread that tracks this feature request. Right now, it's not available, but we will post an update in the community whenever it is. 🙂

Hi, I had a situation today where a husband and wife booked seperate appointments but one wanted to pay for both of them.  Is there a way to add another persons booking to another so they can cash out as one ticket instead of doing in two transactions?

Square Community Moderator

Welcome back to the Community, @larasawaya


Appreciate you reaching out about being able to checkout with two appointments at once. Right now, this is a Feature Request for our Appointments Team. 


I have moved your post over to the thread where other sellers have spoken up about this. One of our Community Moderators will come back with a Product Update as soon as there is more information. 

I agree with the following suggestion.  We have parents come in for services and bring their children,  or couples come together and want to pay together.  When multiple stylists are working on one family,  it is a pain and inconvenience to the customer to have to pay multiple tabs. Any updates on the progress with adding this? My last system has that feature.

Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding your voice in support of this Feature Request, @CAJC. We hope to be able to implement some wide edits to our Appointments features in the near future, and will reach back out to everyone here once something comes down the pipeline. 

Thanks for sticking with us!

It is absolutely unacceptable that square has not handled this yet. You claim to be able to run payroll seamlessly, yet you've been saying this is a project for four years. Do better.

Beta Member

Yes, we need this feature. 

Beta Member

Any updates on this feature?? I feel like I've been waiting forever for Square to make this happen! 

Beta Member

This would be helpful as long as the proper stylist/tech gets paid on the service that they performed.  Currently if a party of three come in, (Alice, Beka, Chris) and each of them get pedis that are identical by three different techs at the same time at 10am, when services finish or some would like to pay first. If Alice wanted to pay for all three services we would have to charge her 3 times to close out each appointment with the techs. We can't ring up Alice for 3 pedis because then her tech would be getting the commission for all three services and the other two techs would not have the commission tracked on theirs at all.

 Now if Chris was also getting a manicure and with a different tech, we would have to close out 4 tabs so all 4 techs get paid correctly, but it would have to be rung up all separately.  Each appointment has to have a separate charge with the proper technician it was performed under or it does not go under the commissions for that tech.

Since we also sell retail we have to ring that up also separately because if not- it gets added to the techs commissions so that may be a 5th card purchase.  Also since services are not taxable, you can not add it to a bill with taxable retail products or legally in FL you would have to pay taxes on the full transaction!


 That's a lot of receipts, or swipes.  Thank goodness we do have card on file feature, but it can be a long check out process/frustrating to the client who doesn't understand.  

One last thing is, if Alice just paid for the services but did not leave a tip for Beka or Chris.  They would have to leave a cash tip- OR we have to ring up a service for min $1 charge so they can add a card tip.  


It works for us and we've taught our team how it has to be done, but would be nice if some of these steps could be simplified! I can only imagine when it becomes a larger party!!!! 

Would love to get an update if there is a better way to do this or if anything changes!