
Square for Restaurants: Recipe/Ingredient Management

Square for Restaurants: Recipe/Ingredient Management

How has square inventory worked for you? I’m thinking about using it but I worry how it will work with items that use the same ingredients. Ex. Multiple dishes that use chicken. Would this work well with inventory management. If not what have you used that works? Thanks!

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Feature Request: Bundle items together as a single item, and pull from inventory individually

+1 on this request.

Currently running a retail basic blank apparel store.

I'd like to start selling custom printed T-shirts(both on/offline), while keeping inventory of my blanks.


Hey @Rhondaann. Just so I understand, are you looking for items to share inventory from the same pool? 

Beta Member

Yes. I sell hot dogs but I sell them in different varieties. I have one that has coleslaw and one that does not but everything is the same. So how do I put that hot dog in to be used with either order


Gotcha - thanks for the clarity. Unfortunately items cannot share inventory.


A more suitable solution is to create 1 hot dog item and add the coleslaw topping (along with others) as modifiers. That way your hot dog inventory is tracked. Keep in mind, modifiers don't have the ability to track inventory. 



Beta Member

Thank you for clearing that up for me cuz I was struggling trying to figure out if it did or not


@Rhondaann no worries!  Stay tuned for future updates.

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Ingredient Inventory Tracking


I'm wondering if there is a way to set up inventory tracking of an ingredient used by multiple items. For example, I sell croissants. And I make croissant sandwiches. I'd like a sale of both the plain croissant and the croissant sandwich to reduce my inventory of croissants. Is it possible? I'm not seeing it. 



It sounds like you're looking to do what's been described here in this thread, @mysticcoffee.

(Thanks for the detailed example, @dv1! 👏)


If the example and Best Answer here aren't leading you to what you're looking to see with your croissants, definitely let me know!

How can I track a single Item like a can of Soda that comes in 6 Packs but iIsell by can and 6pack. so if I had an inventory of 36 and sell one can, and then sell 1 6 pack I want my inventory to say 29.


Some other Sellers asked for this functionally but I'm afraid Square doesn't support tracking parent and child inventory. 


You'll need to choose between tracking by the can or pack. @Dlvetter

@Valentina That is not the optimal solution for me. For selling food to customers online, you have to categorize them properly. A breakfast sandwich is clearly different than a pastry. You wouldn't think to order a breakfast sandwich under a pastry category or vice versa. I have two different items: A breakfast sandwich on a croissant. And I have a plain croissant. Obviously, I use a croissant to make the croissant breakfast sandwich. If I lumped everything together as one item with different options it would be very messy. For example, if someone simply wanted to order a plain croissant quickly, they couldn't do it because they'd have to walk through all the options for the breakfast sandwich (egg, ham, bacon, cheese, extra cheese, extra bacon, etc....) before finalizing their order. And people who want to order a breakfast sandwich will have to walk through all the options for the pastry (butter, cream cheese, nutella, jelly) which just wouldn't make sense. There are apps that let you add ingredients to items and will adjust inventory accordingly. Please add this functionality. Thanks!