
Customise appointment in SMS confirmations

Customise appointment in SMS confirmations

Hi I know this has been raised before, almost 12 months ago, but thought I should bring it forward. It would be really great if I could customise the SMS appointments confirmation to my customer. I would like it to contain my name (instead of the business name) the address and phone number of my business. It would also be handy to be able to add a personal note to the client.

Currently I need to make their appt then SMS them again with my address, phone number and any other info. This is doubling up and time consuming. Thank you

Beta Member


Has this been addressed yet. Because I am not able to customise text messages


@Kaitlyn97 Customised SMS confirmations is a feature that has yet to be added to Square Appointments. We'll continue to pass feedback on the popularity of this feature on to our product team and update this thread if we do see it in the future!

Hi, I wonder if there has been any progress made regarding the ability to customise client sms reminders? I have several elderly clients who are regularly confused by the reminder messages they receive and I would like to word them differently to try and avoid this issue.   Also, if possible, it would be great if I could generate messages to "send to all" or send to a selected client group for when I need to address my entire client base etc, so I dont have to sent them all manually via phone.   

I would also be interested in being able to colour code the appointment types in the calendar/appointment book so I can see whats coming at a glance (we had this in several of the medical programs that I am used to using and it saves so much time)

Thankyou for your time, 

Kind regards, 


Square Community Moderator

Thanks for checking in on this feature request Jacinta @CavoodleHeaven. I can definitely see how useful this would be for your business!  We don't have an update on customisable appointment messages yet, but we'll tag you once we have an update. 


In regards to colour coding your appointments, you can already assign different colours to your services by editing them in your service library. Click on the service you'd like to edit and select the colour you'd like to assign to it:



Next, when in you're in your Square Appointments calendar overview, select the gear icon in the top right hand-corner and toggle View calendar by service on. 



I hope this helps, please let me know how you go 😊