
Feature Request: Multiple-Day Appointments

Feature Request: Multiple-Day Appointments

Hi,  my wife and I operate a small equipment hire business. I need to have customers book services( eg Trailer hire) for their duration of hire.  The appointments app only lets them book against one day at a time. For a three day hire: That means three seperate bookings. Three contracts etc etc

Appoints may not be the right platform.


any suggestions?

1 Verified Answer
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Re: Multiple-day appointments

Hi @scott-f,

Thank you for resurfacing this feature request, and for adding your voice into the mix.

I've raised this thread again with the Product Team to see where it currently stands on our development roadmap. In the meantime, I reached out to our Partnerships Team, and they mentioned that the Checkfront integration offers the ability to create multi-day appointments. From looking at this myself, it seems to be more tailored towards tours, accommodation, and rentals, so it might not be the perfect fit for you. However, feel free to take a look and see what you think. Just keep in mind that there is an additional cost associated with integrating with Checkpoint, and you can find all the details on this page.

I'll keep you updated here once I hear back from the Product Team!


Hey @Enandelle,


Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Community 👋


You're right in noting that at the moment Square Appointments doesn't feature the ability to book multiple-day appointments. I can see how this would be handy for hire businesses, or also things like accommodation booking.


I'm not sure if this is a feature we have planned for the future, but I've gone ahead and moved your post to our feature requests board to track this request from Australian sellers moving forward. If this changes we'll update this thread! In the meantime Appointments might not be the best fit, though you can try out the free version and compare it to more dedicated systems for hire businesses!

Thanks Seamus.  that is disappointing.

Hi I’m a dog sitter and my bookings go overnight- sometimes for a week or more. 
Is there anyone else out there that needs the appointment scheduler to allow for more than one day appointments?


Hi @TerDogSit,


I've moved your post to this existing thread we have to track requests for this feature. It makes a lot of sense for businesses who hire goods or delivery services over multiple days! We'll update this thread if we have any more news to share on this feature in the future.

Hello @Seamus, is there any update on the multiple day appointment feature or ability to set a custom appointment length?

I would like to continue using Square Appointments to schedule rentals over a weekend. At the moment I have set the business opening hours from 00:00 am to 00:00 pm, the appointment length for day hire is 12 hours and for weekend hire is 24 hours plus 24 hours extra time following the booking. Is there a way to hide the appointment duration from the booking page? Is there also a way to have only particular appointments available on particular days?

Can you suggest a better workaround for this to be able to schedule rentals over a weekend?

Square Community Moderator

Hi there @hennie,


Thanks for writing in to add your vote for this feature request!

Unfortunately, we don't really have any elegant workarounds we're able to provide for this use case. As it stands, Square Appointments is more geared towards individual service appointments (E.g. hair appointments).

While we're always working to expand our service offering through Square Appointments, we're yet to receive any updates regarding this specific request.

Throwing my hat into the ring here also. I am a vehicle detailer on the Gold Coast and most of my jobs take 2+ days.


I use square for payments and would love to use Appointments for bookings instead of just email invites.


At the moment I can get away with setting the service as a 24 hours service with 24 hours extra time booked in, as most jobs are 2 days. But for anything longer than 2 days I would not be able to use Square appointments which is disappointing




Beta Member


We run a Dog Boarding and Training Facility.

While Square is easy to use for training session appointments we would love an option to schedule multi - day appointments to facilitate our boarding clients. 

At the moment the only tab allowing multi - day events is the personal one. This works OK to block time in the calendar and allow staff to understand what is going on, but it doesn't link the applicable customer and files OR allow customers to book multi day services online. 




I too am opening a small business for pet care and wish to allow my customers to book multiple days at once, or at least make several bookings without having to input their contact information in every single time. Has there been any movement on a multi-day booking feature? If not, can I the disable contact information request fields for repeat customers only somehow?

Yes still need this function for my business