
[Improvement] Announcing Some Exciting Updates to the Payment Methods Report

Hi Sellers!


We introduced some new exciting updates to the Payment Methods Report. You can now get a clearer view of your payments: 


  • Card payments are categorised by debit vs credit, and by card brand such as Visa or Mastercard.
  • Cheques will be shown as a separate payment method instead of being lumped with ‘Other’.
  • Meal Vouchers will also be represented as a separate category instead of being part of ‘Other’ payments.
  • Payments charged to House Accounts will be represented as well. 
    • The House Accounts row in the table will represent the deferred payments charged to House Accounts. 
    • Payments for House Accounts Invoices will be represented under the type of payment methods that were used to pay for the invoice. 


Along with these improvements, we've made your experience even better by introducing new, easily accessible filters, fixing export functionality bugs, and delivering a faster report load. Get ready for a seamless and efficient payment tracking experience!


Checkout out these improvements in your Dashboard!

Community Manager, Square
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