Beta Member

Can I create discounts (coupons) for collection orders?

Hi guys,


Just wondering if there’s a way to apply a discount to anyone who opts for a collection/pickup rather than delivery? One of our locations is 90% delivery and it’s hard to keep up with demand. I’d like to reward customers who choose collection to help us out as our kitchen capacity is much higher than our delivery capacity.



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If you take orders by phone it would be easy to just create a % discount button to hit for a collection order, but online there isn’t a way to limit a discount code to ably apply to collection orders. 

Sounds like a great idea - more of a carrot to collect than a stick of increasing/adding delivery charges, as that would never go down well! 

Just going to tag @AdamB as the guru of all things online as I might have missed something obvious. Sounds like a really good FR though! 

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Thanks for the tag! This is definitely a feature request for now. Hopefully we can support not only discounts but also update our coupons as well for different fulfillment types.

Seller Community, Platform
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Yeah, the in-store discount offering is great but we do so much online that this feature would be great for us. When we finally open a restaurant it’s good to know that this feature is covered 👍

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Beta Member

Morning. Is there any update on this thread? I want to be able to set up a coupon for customers ordering online for collection but the coupon will also be available to self serve customers, which is not what I want. It seems such a simple solution to add a check box that says "apply discount to certain fulfillments." So what I'm having to do to get around this is to duplicate everything for collection only which is time consuming. 

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Hi @Thj, thanks for adding to the thread. 

No updates here at the moment, the options we currently have are: 


  • All orders: The voucher is valid for all orders (as long as they meet any other restrictions you’ve set up).
  • Orders over a certain amount: The voucher is only valid when the order total is exactly at or over a specific amount you enter.
  • Specific categories: The voucher applies to items that are included in the category you choose. Select the link to select one or more categories for this voucher.
  • Specific items: The voucher applies only to the items you choose. Select the link to pick one or more items you want to include.

Limiting to a specific fulfilment method is not yet possible, I know this would be very useful, so hopefully, we'll be able to share an update on it in the future. 



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