Beta Member

Can I mark items as "Coming Soon" on the website?

Hi everyone, I run a small bike shop and I want to put the new spring stock on the website and mark it as "coming soon" so people can take a look and place pre-orders. Is there a way to do this? I know you can show "stickers" for sale items or limited stock but can you so it for items that are not in-stock but will be available soon?


Are there any other options or ideas for "pre-selling" items on the website?



Message 1 of 5
2 Best Answers

Best Answer

Dave-I set up a "Coming Soon-Stay Tuned" category and put all the upcoming stock in it (with a qty of zero). I then make it a featured category on my homepage so people can click on it right from the start. Seemed to be the easiest way for me.

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Message 2 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there, @Dave_Heavys! Thanks for bouncing back here on the Seller Community to post your question. Happy to hear from you again.


Currently there is no formal display banner for items listed as Coming Soon to your Online Store (this would be considered a Feature Request), but we may be able to suggest some workarounds here. 


You could edit your item images to include a "Coming Soon" filter on the image, and then place that item within its own category. This would  take a bit more work on the front-end in regards to editing your item photos, however.

@dogeatdog has a great workaround here, as well!


Lastly, I am more than happy to pass your feedback along to our Product Teams for visibility! Thanks, again - and let me know if you have any clarifying questions.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 3 of 5

Best Answer

Dave-I set up a "Coming Soon-Stay Tuned" category and put all the upcoming stock in it (with a qty of zero). I then make it a featured category on my homepage so people can click on it right from the start. Seemed to be the easiest way for me.

Message 2 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there, @Dave_Heavys! Thanks for bouncing back here on the Seller Community to post your question. Happy to hear from you again.


Currently there is no formal display banner for items listed as Coming Soon to your Online Store (this would be considered a Feature Request), but we may be able to suggest some workarounds here. 


You could edit your item images to include a "Coming Soon" filter on the image, and then place that item within its own category. This would  take a bit more work on the front-end in regards to editing your item photos, however.

@dogeatdog has a great workaround here, as well!


Lastly, I am more than happy to pass your feedback along to our Product Teams for visibility! Thanks, again - and let me know if you have any clarifying questions.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 3 of 5
Beta Member

Hi @Joe and @dogeatdog , Thanks for the feedback and great suggestions. The category idea sounds great. I'll see if I can make that happen. I have images for the products already, and I could add a filter fairly easily. 


@Joe I would appreciate having this moved along as a feature request as well. I'm part of the Beta community too so it would be cool to see it before it gets released to test it out. (I know, it takes time and depends on the existing roadmap). 


Thanks again to both of you! 

Message 4 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Sounds great, @Dave_Heavys! Passing along now. Should anything come down the pipeline, we will reach back out to you here and let you know. 



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 5 of 5