
Future Orders with items available on certain days



I own a bakery and I am trying to set up my website's ordering page. 

We have a menu of items that are available every day and then we have a single item that is only available on Fridays. 


My customers need to be able to place a future order for a Friday and have that item appear on the ordering page. 


I also require 3 days notice for all orders. 


For some reason, when I do not set a 3 days notice limit for orders I am able to set the 'Fridays Special' category to appear on selected Fridays for future orders but as soon as I implement a 3 days notice policy on the online ordering, my 'Fridays Sepcial' category doesn't show up on any day selected. 


This is incredibly frustrating and I've spoken to countless customer support agents about this and have been told the function doesn't exist, but how can it exist without the 3 days notice policy but not with it? 


Has anyone had any luck doing something like this?

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Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @WildBlue


I know from your post, you have worked with our CS Team to find another way around what you're looking for. 


Since that was unsuccessful, I am going to recommend adding this as a Feature Request to the Ideate Board. This would put it in front of the Product Team and any other sellers interested in it can add their voices too. 

Community Moderator, Square
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