
multi staff view on calender

Not sure if I am posting in the right place or if this is actually what I need to do so please bare with me....

Why is it that you can only do a combined view of staff appointments online and not the app?? As the register is app based this is rather a pain, as you have to log in and out of each member of staff to see what they have booked in on any given day. It would be so much quicker and more functional to have this option on the app as well as online. It doesnt feel all that professional having to ask the client to wait whilst you have to navigate through several pages to get to their appointment so they can pay. Also is it possible to take payment for 2 seperate client bookings at one time. As we have several Parent and chlid bookings that the parent wants to pay for, but currently having to take 2/3 separate payments. Again not a great way to do this. Thank you

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