
Review/edit item price when receiving

Beta Member

Review/edit item price when receiving

I would like the ability to review/edit the price when bringing items back into inventory. Like everything, my COGS increases and shelf price does as well. I can effortlessly scan (iPad & BT Scanner) and add items to inventory that were previously in stock but have to verify or edit the price on my browser after, which is added steps that should not be necessary. It skips right to the quantities screen after scanning then gives the option to adjust COGS/supplier, it would be nice to be asked the sale price first. I have been burned by this already as my distributor will supply price labels with updated pricing but Retail has the old pricing stored. Even if you do catch it, it will show the price increase on the sales receipt if you adjust it prior to the sale, not good for business. The only other option is to make the customer wait while you login to Square on your browser and make the item price change. 

Square Community Moderator

 This is a great feature request @CenturyCycle. I will make sure to pass it over to our product team for their visibility and consideration when planning future updates.

Beta Member

This would be great to have, it sucks having to go into the dashboard to change the sale prices when receiving an order. 

Beta Member

Any luck with this feature update request?

Square Champion

This really would be a great feature!!