
KDS edit ticket

hi guys again pretty sure it cannot be done at the moment but though it best to see if anyone has found any solutions.


In our takeaway if a customer makes an order , pays and then comes back and wishes to ammend a detail or add to the order is there anyway to edit tickets in the KDS or through the register in order to show on the KDS ?

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Square Community Moderator

Hey @PaulWard, thanks so much for your post, this is a great question. 


At the moment, there isn't a way to edit a transaction or a ticket once the payment has been put through on your Point of Sale. I can definitely see why this would be useful, especially in the case where the order needs to be amended because an additional item needs to be added. I’ve shared your suggestion with our product team so they can look into it in the future.


Let me know if you have any further questions!

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