
Loyalty: Is there a way to enter the customer information at the beginning of the transaction?

I have been working with the loyalty program for a long time, and I have this issue - many of my customers are forgetting when they have rewards to apply. It is clunky to search for them and then apply rewards, and then ask for the number again at the end of the transaction. Is there a way to "log in" a rewards customer for the entire transaction?

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Super Seller

Far as I can tell, the only way to do this is to navigate over to the customer directory, search for the said customer, and then there is an option to add the customer to current sale (or something like that)... That being said, I don't think any rewards will be automatically applied to the sale, and I don't think it will apply stars on its own (it will only add that customer to the transaction). You will still have to manually apply the reward, and you will still have to enter the customers # at the end of the transaction to get stars for the transaction.

I do agree. It seems kinda "clunky"... I wish there was a way that a customer could be added before the checkout and have their stars automatically applied. A lot of people end up not using their rewards because they only know that they have them once they've already paid. I'm sure there is some logic behind it. Programming isn't easy.

Customers seem to be confused every time about how to log their stars... They always want to give you their phone # before checkout, and we have to explain that we do that after the transaction. 

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