
How can I recover my old email address?

Hi all.

First of all, please forgive my complete ignorance of these things, I built my site (www.fanthorpecleaning.co.uk) years ago then just let it run and instantly forgot how to configure things.

It was originally built using weebly, but hosted on JustHost. I've since moved the hosting here, to Weebly, but I had an email address (jason at fanthorpecleaning dot co dot you kay). This has obviously stopped working since the hosting moved, so my question is, can I recover that email address? What do I have to do? Who do I have to contact? JustHost? 123-REG where the domain name is registered? Weebly?

Thanks in advance, any help is gratefully appreciated..

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From what I can tell, that email package is with us and was set-up using our Google Apps package we offer, yo ucan view that once logged in over at: https://www.weebly.com/home/emails

Right now, it's saying that the "MX Records need to be configured. View general instructions or search by domain host." so you'll have to follow that warning in order to get everything pointed correctly since the domain isn't with us, and is hosted at 123-reg. So you'll have to have them adjust the MX records accoridngly. 

Message 2 of 5

I'm useless at this stuff. Really useless. I just tried to set up google apps, but it's asking me to do stuff that I've never heard of and even with the dummies guides I don't know what theyre talking about. The weebly editor doesn't seem to allow me to input an HTML tag or upload a file to verify the domain name with google, it's all SO much more complicated than it was at JustHost, with an email service being incorporated into the control panel. 

I think I've given up and am going to go to another hosting provider with a built in email service. I've wasted hours and hours on this so far, I need to cut my losses and have my email back. 

Thanks for replying, sorry if I wasted your time. I hope Weebly refund my money!

Message 3 of 5

i have a similar issue. i created my blog using weebly long time ago and let it run on its own. i was a newbie completely. and later i closed down my email account which i used for making this blog post. and i forgot my password too. my blog is still up and i want to add up things and start control over it. 

my blog is lfartfashion.weebly.com please help. how can i recover it. 

Message 4 of 5

Our team might be able to give access, though we'd need to do some verification in order to do that. Can you submit a ticket to our support team about that, @lfatim?


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